Thank you very much!
I believe it works and solved parts of my problem.
The only main issue I have is this:
I create a user on wp side – if they first login on wp side on the website (i use WP-Members Plugin and it’s form) then when they go to the forum on phpbb side they are either automatically logged in or can login using WP user info.
However, if that BRAND NEW user (who just registered) goes straight to the forum (without logging in on WP side first) and tries to login -> they can’t. They have to login on WP side at least once in order to login to forum now.
Same goes for old users that registered before I created PHPBB forum – what I have them do in order not to register again is go and login on WP side first (just once).
To summarize what I have right now:
-> users that register on PHPBB side have no problem on both sides;
-> users that register on WP side have to login on WP side once to be able to login to PHPBB forum (I was just testing this option – of course I don’t have that second option right now to make it easier for users; I’m looking forward to having that option though)
And I still have to delete user (I was testing) on each side wp and phpbb separately but that’s ok – I won’t be doing this a lot in the future with the group I have.
I hope plugin solutions will be available sometime.
Thank you very much for your help, Ajenbo!