• When I execute a snippet, the snippet following it in the wp_post table gets executed also.

    For example… I executed a snippet to modify a user account. It’s shortcode is [account.myaccount] and its wp_post id is 787. 2 entries sequentially after in the wp_post table is a snippet shortcode [account.view-order-details], post id 846. These snippets are unrelated and neither references the other. Yet when I execute the first, the second executes also. And this occurs for any snippet I execute. The succeeding snippet in the wp_post table will get executed also.

    I know this to be true because I put traps in every snippet module to output its snippet name when executed.

    I am using a plugin called plugin-organizer to activate a plugin only on the page it’s needed.

    In the example about, there is a page called Update Account which contains the php snippet [account.myaccount] and there is a page called View Account Details which contains the php snippet [account.view-account-details]. The php-snippets plugin is activated for both pages.

    If I disable the php-snippets plugin on the Update Account page and then execute the page, the shortcode [account.myaccount] shows as output to the page and not the contents of the snippet itself. As would be expected, there is no trap output for the account.myaccount snippet, but also, there is no trap output for the account.view-account-details snippet either.

    If I reactivate the php-snippets plug on the Update Account page and execute again, I get a trap output for both snippets, proving the 2nd snippet is being executed even though it wasn’t requested.

    I can replicate this same scenario for any snippet combo as listed in wp_post.


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  • Hmm… I’m quite confused by your description…

    One idea is to try changing the name of your snippets to use ONLY letters and underscores — try not using the “.” in your names. My thought is that because the snippet name gets passed dynamically as a PHP function name via a magic __call() function that any weird characters get chopped, so maybe Snippets named [thing.one] and [thing.two] are both getting seen as the same snippet.

    The other idea is to disable all other plugins — the WP architecture is a total cluster in general, so events, variables, etc. tend to get very polluted by neighboring plugins.

    But really, without seeing your code, I can’t debug it — if you want you can paste your code in the pastebin so I can see what you’re doing. I always need exact steps to reproduce any issue. Can you paste your snippet code please?

    Thread Starter incomeology


    Update to initial post…

    After further testing, I believe it’s not the plugin that is giving me the problem.

    I removed the plugin “php snippets” and replaced it with “AmberPanther WP Include File”. I changed the shortcode parameter to match the requirements of the new plugin, and the same problem as initially outlined continued to occur.

    I tested the possibility that other shortcode plugins could be having some effect. Disabled all of them and initial problem continued.

    I can’t realistically disable my remaining plugins because they’re essential to the website working.

    Unfortunately I have about 25 snippets that either manipulate a mysql database or set and clear cookies. So it is causing some havoc when the initial snippet spawns the second.

    An example of this is when the update confirmation snippet is executed, it unfortunately happens to spawn the log out script.

    I will continue testing other alternatives.

    As noted in the issue tracker, this problem is likely caused by WordPress: because its architecture is almost entirely event driven, using any WordPress function might trigger an event, which could in turn call another plugin, which might trigger more events. It ends up being a hot mess sometimes.

    And no need to double-post: if it’s a question, then the forum is fine. If it’s determined to be a bug, then use the bug tracker.

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