• bobzbobz



    I am looking for a plugin to use as a phonebook/contact list for our business contacts.
    I have searched several “Business directory” plugins but without luck.

    I would like to have theese options:
    – Name
    – Occupation
    – Company
    – E-mail
    – Phone Direct
    – Phone Mobile
    (It is very important to have the option of at least 2 phones).

    A plus, but not a must, would be to have the “click-phonenumber-to-call” and “click-e-mail-to-send” functions and perhaps “download vcard” (for Outlook).

    Any experience with such a plugin??

    Best regards,

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by bobzbobz.
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • jorix


    Here is ONE solution, assuming that you are familiar with a code editor, a little bit PHP and be familiar with WordPress templates. Have a look at Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF)(https://www.advancedcustomfields.com). Install and activate the plugin. You will see a new item in the main menu of the CMS called “Custom Fields”

    1. CMS > Pages > Create a new page called “Contacts”
    2. CMS > Custom Fields > Create a Custom Field Group “Contacts”
    3. Inside the new group, you can add following custom field:
    – “Contacts” (choose ACF “repeater” field type)

    Then, for the ACF repeater field, define following SUB fields:
    – Name (a text field)
    – Occupation (a text field)
    – Company (a text field)
    – E-mail (an email field)
    – Phone Direct (a text field AND add some instructions like the desired format)
    – Phone Mobile (a text field AND add some instructions like the desired format)

    Tip : Set the Layout mode to be a “Row” (for most compact UI later on)

    4. Assign the ACF custom field group to a page.
    5. Save/Update your ACF field (blue button top right of the screen)
    6. Back to CMS > Custom Fields > Field Groups > “Contacts”, at “Location” set a rule of when and where the ACF group should be visible, by making a selection from the dropdowns.

    E.g. Show this field group if PAGE – IS EQUAL TO – Contacts

    7. Create a template for your Contacts page, e.g. “page-contacts.php”
    8. CMS > Pages > Contacts > Page attributes > Select the new template so that for the contact page your new template “page-contact.php” will be used
    8. Open “page-contacts.php” in your code editor
    9. Add the ACF code to display the ACF fields content: SEE the ACF website for which code you need to output ACF fields.

    As for vCard format, that’s a matter of checking the microformat specs and applying them to the HTML markup + there are separate plugins available for vCard.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by jorix.
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
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