• there is one little problem annoying me:

    wp_list_categories() and wp_tag_cloud() always return a empty string, no matter how i classify my posts or tag them.

    After a simple testing, I found this bug only affects the count of post in categories/tags, the search or archive functions work ok.

    I guess WordPress fail to update the count of categories/tags in SQLite.
    I don’t check the source of WordPress (or PDO Plugin), so I wrote some code to workaround.

    $categories=  get_categories(‘hide_empty=0′);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
    $option = ‘
    <li><a href="”‘.get_category_link(">term_id ).’”>’;
    $option .= $category->cat_name;
    $option .= ‘</a></li>
    echo $option;

    use code above to replace the wp_list_categories().


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  • I have the same annoying problem but I don’t understand very well the workaround. Should I replace the code in wp-includes\category-template.php with this:

    $categories= get_categories(‘hide_empty=0′);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
    $option = ‘
    # term_id ).’”>’;
    $option .= $category->cat_name;
    $option .= ‘
    echo $option;

    From where to where?


    To show categories:

    Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Primary Widget Area > Show hierarchy

    I haven’t found the way to show tags or just parent categories.

    Any ideas?

    Well, the thing is that after publishing some posts both categories and tags seem to be working properly. Weird.

    use code above to replace the wp_list_categories().

    Which file is the wp_list_categories() located?

    It’s far easier solution – one character to change. Open file category-template.php (in wordpress wp-includes directory), find definiotion of wp-list-categories (about 452 line) and below in defaults array you’ll find 'hide_empty' => 1, – change it into 'hide_empty' => 1, and that’s it!

    Of course it has to be changed into 'hide_empty' => 0, ??



    Thank you websign it worked like a charm.



    This isn’t a complete fix as the problem seems to be slightly deeper. Although this fixes catagories not displaying they will still report erroneous numbers of posts within them – always zero.

    The same can be seen on the administration interface in the category section. More annoyingly when deleting a category or adding a post to a category gives me this error:

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in .../wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 2799

    Looking for that section it appears to be a function called _update_post_term_count which is generating an SQL query for later use and it causing the script to fail.

    As for how to fix it I have no clue :/

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