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  • Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    hi ntesat,

    Yes you can…the instructions are here:

    Hi Roland, I have tried this too as you know, but it doesn’t seem to work.

    I want it to show the most recently updated first, so I’m using:

    [pdb_list filter="approved=yes" orderby="date_updated" order="desc"]

    I’m not sure how it’s sorting them but it’s certainly not by date_updated! I’ve even tried adding the field to the display table but it still won’t sort correctly. Could it be because the value is in the Internal Fields group?

    TIA Em

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    TIA Em,

    You are correct, it won’t sort by internal fields…but there’s no reason it shouldn’t. I will change this in the next upgrade.

    Thanks x

    Hi Roland, I’m afraid this still doesn’t work in this update. It doesn’t matter if I put ‘acs’ or ‘desc’ the order remains the same:

    orderby="date_updated" order="desc"

    Hope you can fix this, Em

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    I’m issuing an update later today, and I’ll make sure this is working for that.

    Just to thank you and confirm, this works well now ??

    Em x




    After practicing a little bit the 1.3.5, I found something :
    when you sort a big list (in my case more than 700), it sort well the first page, but if you click on the second page the sort disappear.

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Thanks, Sev…yes, this is a bug. I’m working on a fix now.



    Thanks for the 1.3.6, it solves this issue.



    Hi again, there is something funny with the search and filter on frontend, it keeps the “memory” of the search, meaning that when you open a page on which somebody else did a search, you have what this person did search. What is not funny is that you cannot perform 2 searches/filters at the same time.
    I guess you are storing the search and filter parameters in the database but this has a serious disadvantage ??

    See you

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign



    Yes, that’s not quite right. It’s storing the search parameters for too long. I’ve got this fixed in that next update coming in today.

    Two searches at the same time? What do you mean? Like you want to put in two search terms and get all records that match either one? I tried to keep things simple…so it won’t work that way.



    The issue disappeared “magically”.
    I try to better explain : somebody on computer A was performing a search on a page with your plugin, and somebody else on computer B when arriving on the same page was having by default the same search. It was very strange but now it disappeared so i will not investigate more on it ??



    I have another issue related to the frontend sort/filter.

    In the “Manage database Fields” settings when you tick the “sortable” box, the field is well sortable in the “List participants” settings page.
    But this is not reflected in the frontend sort nor in the frontend filter as in the frontend you have only access to the Main fields.

    I would like to be able to do that. Do you think it will be changed in next upgrade or do I have to dig into the code ? May be the best flexibility will be achieved by defining the sort/filter fields (for example filter=’Name, birthday, city’)

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