• Hello Roland,

    The date format in the email that notifies admin a participant has edited their profile has changed, it now reads “1333286243” for [date]

    On /wp-admin/admin.php?page=participants-database-list_participants the sort now defaults to date_recorded. I don’t want to lose the option to sort date_recorded but my preferred sort is date_updated so I can see at a glance when participants have edited their details.

    (I would also still prefer them to be set back to unapproved once edits have been saved – like they previously were.)

    Hope you can help change these back, Em


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  • Plugin Author xnau webdesign



    Yes, I’m sorry about these changes. The first one is just plain a mistake, the second was because I rebuilt the function and didn’t remember what I had as the default before. I have two files for you to upload to fix these issues.


    The last bit about the approval changing…well that was a bug, so I don’t really know how to get you around that. I realize this might be something I have to make possible for everyone as a new feature.

    Thread Starter bw3em


    Thanks, but now I’m getting:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in ...\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\participants-database\participants-database.php on line 2149


    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Participants_Db::get_image_uri() in ...\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\participants-database\classes\PDb_List.class.php on line 775


    Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Participants_Db::$email_headers in ...\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\participants-database\classes\Signup.class.php on line 103

    I haven’t changed you access settings if you want to login there yourself, and if anyone has these files backed up, could they please send them to me ASAP :-((

    Thread Starter bw3em


    Hi again Roland,

    Just tried installing the upgrade and get:

    Plugin failed to reactivate due to a fatal error.
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in ...\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\participants-database\participants-database.php on line 2149

    And now it won’t activate at all :-((

    Please take a look, Em

    Em, I fixed it, see my post. ~J

    Thread Starter bw3em


    Sorry to harp back to dates but any age before 1970 defaults again to 1 January 1970 – in the email I receive telling me a profile has been updated and in the /wp-admin/admin.php?page=participants-database-list_participants if an admin tries to edit a record ??

    Thanks, Em

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign



    You are just a fountain of great bug finds! Thank you. I’ve got a fix in the next update, but if you want to fie it yourself right away do this:

    In the participants-database.php file on line 2245 you have this:
    if ( preg_match( '#^[0-9]+$#', $string ) > 0 ) return $string;

    change it to:
    if ( preg_match( '#^[0-9-]+$#', $string ) > 0 ) return $string;

    and old dates will now work. Silly mistake.

    Thread Starter bw3em


    LOL that’s because I find the plugin indispensable and want it just right ??

    Thanks xx

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