• I was wondering if there is a plugin or if someone can explain how to code a html select list containing author names as options. This would link to a list of posts by that author.


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  • If this this is what you are looking for https://wtfarewegoingtodonow.com/authors/ which links to https://wtfarewegoingtodonow.com/author/brad/ It is a two part theme based process. You will need an authors.php which lists your authors using ‘<?php wp_list_authors(‘show_fullname=1&optioncount=1&feed=RSS’); ?>’ author.php isn’t required to see the listing of the author’s post or information, but it is helpful. WordPress will simply use the archive.php or index.php as a base if you don’t have it.

    You can also link page/post authors to their profile page easily enough.

    I will have the theme I am using at https://wtfarewegoingtodonow.com available for download soon. Now that it is an open source theme I can provide fixes for all the bad coding choices.

    I know this is a very late response, but I just uploaded a new version of my plugin, the KNR Author List Widget, which does exactly that! It displays the list of authors as a dropdown list in a sidebar widget. It’s available in the WordPress Plugin Directory and you can find it by searching for “KNR Author List Widget” or by going to the following URL:

    The default option of the KNR Author List displays it as an unordered list, but you can select ‘Show as dropdown’ from the widget settings.

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