• Hi!

    I have just started using OptinSkin and have a little issue dealing with the “img class” of the “powered by OptinSkin” image.

    Because I use the Pinterest Pin It Button For Images plugin, a “Pin it” button appears on the “powered by OptinSkin” image, which I want to stop it. To do it, I need to specify a “class” for the image.

    However, I don’t know where to specify the class.

    I’ve looked through Firebug and this is the code that appears:

    <div style="float:right;padding-right:5px;padding-top:7px;">
    <a style="border:none;" href="https://beatricebp.optinskin.hop.clickbank.net">
    <span class="pibfi_pinterest">
    <img class="" src="https://beatricebp.com/wp-content/plugins/OptinSkin/front/images/poweredby.png" style="border:none;" scale="0">
    <span class="xc_pin" onclick="pin_this(event, 'https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://beatricebp.com/2012/12/04/photo-de-lavent-4/&media=https://beatricebp.com/wp-content/plugins/OptinSkin/front/images/poweredby.png&description=Photo de l’avent #4')" style="left: 60px; display: block;"> </span>

    Where would I be able to find this “class”? In the plugin editor? In the general editor? Any help would be appreciated!

    To view a post (to see the “Pin it” button appear): https://beatricebp.com/2012/12/04/photo-du-jour-4-decembre-2/

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  • If you go into the plugin code, you can add a class=”” tag within this image. However, I would back your site up beforehand in case it crashes or messes up your site.

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