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  • VST Life


    This is a very cool plugin. I just tried it and noticed that my Youtube videos do not appear (Youtube Brackets).



    NextGEN Gallery in my case was what broke Onswipe

    It’s a shame, as between Onswipe and my gallery plugin, I’ll have to go with the latter at least for now. If down the line the two ever work together though, I’ll be jumping back to Onswipe.



    Disappointing that it doesn’t work with Facebook Comments. Hope they add a compatibility setting like the one in WPTouch Pro so that the plugin disables FC when displaying the iPad theme.



    Just discovered that FancyBox for WordPress is the only plugin I need to disable on my blog for Onswipe to function.

    I’ll fiddle a bit and see if I can live without FancyBox since I really like the Onswipe approach.

    – Aaron



    – NextGen
    – jquery.ui.accordion.min.js
    – jquery functions.js



    Yes sadly NextGen is the culprit for me to. I really wanted to use OnSwipe to, but I can’t give up my gallery.



    Featured Content Gallery created an issue. Love the look of the iPad when it was deactivated.



    I am having trouble with FeedWordPress. The headlines are not opening in OneSwipe view on the ipad. (work find with regular browser access)



    I can’t get it to work at all on

    I’ve disabled NextGen Gallery but still nothing…



    I had to disable Tweetable. Which is a shame, since our blog relies greatly on the option of having our posts retweeted.



    Within Tweetable, you have the option of not displaying the tweet button on your single pages. If you disable that, Onswipe works. But that kinda defeats the entire purpose of the plugin.



    what about themes:
    shaken grid is not working (because of the video handling)

    Can we have an option to disable specific plugins when Onswipe is being used? best if implemented as part of the Onswipe plugin i think

    Social Connect is also incompatible with Onswipe. I wasn′t able to find a workaround.

    I can confirm that Social Connect does not work. Also Facebook, Twitter & Google+ Social Widgets seems to have an odd effect. Onswipe thinks the Facebook “Like” button this plugin generates is a video. It generates a “Play Video” button that when clicked, simply displays the Facebook “Like” button. Really odd.

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