Hi @naijahitsongs,
Just checked your site and it seems that at least one of WordPress Popular Posts’ database tables is missing from your database. Whenever the plugin attempts to track visits your server responds with an error message saying “Table [your-site-prefix-here]_popularpostsdata doesn’t exist“. This is why you’re not seeing any data being reported by WPP.
You could try forcing the plugin to reinstall its database tables by adding the following line to your site’s wp-config.php file somewhere before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */
define( 'WPP_DO_DB_TABLES', true );
Once you’ve done that go to the Plugins screen and deactivate WordPress Popular Posts, then activate it again and the plugin should rebuild its database tables automatically. Remember to delete the WPP_DO_DB_TABLES line from your wp-config.php file when you’re done.
Alternatively, you could also just deactivate and delete WordPress Popular Posts and then install it again.
Please report back your results.