• The name of this JQMap Route Calc

    this plugin provides to calculate a route from point to point.

    use Google API 3

    I bought this plugin on codecanyon but unfortunately the author didn’t support this plugin anymore.. When I activated this plugin and generate a shortcode… It only return a blank page whenever I visit this page..
    I don’t know what’s causing this.. Please your support is welcome..

    //////////////////////// FUNCTION TO GIVE AUTOCOMPLETE TO EACH CALC INPUTS //////////////
    function autocomplete_map(container){
         new google.maps.places.Autocomplete($(this)[0]);
    ////////////////////////// FUNCTION TO PRIN ROUTE INFO ///////////
    function print_route(panel){
     var a = window.open('','','width=300,height=300');
    ////////////////////////// START GOOGLE MAP API /////////////////
      var myOptions = {
          zoom: 7,
          mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
      , geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
    function center(imap,iaddress,info_window,zoom){
    	var map;
        map = new google.maps.Map(imap, {
          zoom: zoom,
          mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var address = iaddress;
        geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
          if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                map: map,
                position: results[0].geometry.location
            if(info_window != ''){
              var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: info_window
               google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
          } else {
            alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status);
      function initialize(imap,ipanel,start,end,wp,travel_mode_select,opt_wp,printable_panel,DivContainerDistance) {
    	var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({draggable: true})
    	  , directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService()
    	  , oldDirections = []
    	  , currentDirections;	  
        map = new google.maps.Map(imap, myOptions);
        google.maps.event.addListener(directionsDisplay, 'directions_changed', function() {
            if (currentDirections) {
            currentDirections = directionsDisplay.getDirections();  
        var waypts = []
        , dest = wp
        , request = {
          origin: start,
          destination: end,
          travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode[travel_mode_select]
        for (var i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
          if (dest[i].value != "") {
        directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
          if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
            var route = response.routes[0];
            for (var i = 0; i < route.legs.length; i++) {
              var routeSegment = i + 1;
              printable_panel.append("<b>Route Segment: " + routeSegment + "</b><br />"
                                   +route.legs[i].start_address + " to "+route.legs[i].end_address + "<br />"
                                   +route.legs[i].distance.text + "<br /><br />");          
          if ( status != 'OK' ){ alert(status); return false;}
      function computeTotalDistance(result,DivContainerDistance) {
        var total = 0;
        var myroute = result.routes[0];
        for (i = 0; i < myroute.legs.length; i++) {
          total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value;
        total = total / 1000.
        $(DivContainerDistance).html('Total Distance: '+total + " km")
    ////////////////////////// END GOOGLE MAP API /////////////////
     $.fn.JQMap = function(options) {  
                /** List of available default options **/
                var defaults = {  
                jqm_Height           :  '600',//--> height of map container
                jqm_Width            :  '800',//--> width of map container
                jqm_PercentCalcPanel :  '40',//--> width in percentual of overlay calc panel 
                jqm_PercentCalcDir   :  '60',//--> width in percentual of overlay directions panel
                jqm_StartOpacity     :  10,//--> start Opacity of search and direction overlay div
                jqm_OverlayColor     :  '#ccc',//--> color of search and direction overlay div
                jqm_TextCalc         :  'ROUTE CALC FORM',//--> text of button to slide calc form
                jqm_TextDirection    :  'DIRECTIONS',//--> text of button to slide directions
                jqm_PrintRouteText   :  'Print route',//--> text of print route button
                jqm_WpExtra          :  'You can use only 8 destinations plus start and destination, form more destination you nedd a business account',//--> text for wp excess
                jqm_TextButtonCalc   :  'Calculate',//--> text of button to calculate route            
                jqm_TextTravelMode   :  'Travel Mode',//--> text of travel mode select
                jqm_TextDriving      :  'DRIVING',//--> text DRIVING mode
                jqm_TextWalking      :  'WALKING',//--> text WALKING mode
                jqm_TextBicy         :  'BICYCLING',//--> text BICYCLING mode
                jqm_TextWP           :  'Optimize Waypoints',//--> text Optimize Waypoints             
                jqm_Fixdestination   :  '',//--> Set a fix destination
                jqm_TexStartPoint         :  '',//--> text of Info Window on page load
                jqm_ZoomStartPoint      : 17,
                jqm_TextButtonAdd    :  'Add Destination'//--> text of button to add a destination
       var o = $.extend(defaults, options); 
        return this.each(function() {                  
              /************** create map, form to calc route and info panel *********************/    
                   var $this = $(this)
                       ,$input_destination = '<div style="padding:5px" class="container_dest">\
                                                <span id="marcker2"><img src="https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/icon_greenB.png" alt="" /></span>\
                                                <input type="text" value="" /><span class="elimina" style="cursor:pointer;display:none"><img src="'+img+'el.gif" alt="" /></span>\
                   if( o.jqm_Width == '' || o.jqm_Width == 0){
                     alert('must give a width in options to continue')
                     $this.html('must give a width in options to continue')
                     return false;
                   if( o.jqm_Height == '' || o.jqm_Height == 0){
                    alert('must give a height in options to continue')
                    $this.html('must give a height in options to continue')
                    return false;
                   if( o.jqm_Fixdestination != ''){
                     $input_destination = '<input type="hidden" value="'+o.jqm_Fixdestination+'" class="final_destination" />';
                   /******* calculate number of map ************/
                   var number_map = $('.map').length + 1                    
                   $this.css('width',o.jqm_Width+'px').html('<span class="jqm_option jqm_route">'+o.jqm_TextCalc+'</span> '
                              +'<span class="jqm_option jqm_indication">'+o.jqm_TextDirection+'</span> '
                              +'<span class="jqm_option jqm_distance"></span>'
                              +'<div class="map_container" style="width:'+o.jqm_Width+'px;height:'+o.jqm_Height+'px;position:relative;">'
                              +'  <div class="opacity_search" style="width:'+o.jqm_PercentCalcPanel+'%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;z-index:9;filter:alpha(opacity='+o.jqm_StartOpacity*10+');-moz-opacity:'+o.jqm_StartOpacity/10+';opacity:'+o.jqm_StartOpacity/10+';background:'+o.jqm_OverlayColor+';left:0px;display:none"></div>'
                              +'  <div class="opacity_panel" style="width:'+o.jqm_PercentCalcDir+'%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;z-index:9;filter:alpha(opacity='+o.jqm_StartOpacity*10+');-moz-opacity:'+o.jqm_StartOpacity/10+';opacity:'+o.jqm_StartOpacity/10+';background:'+o.jqm_OverlayColor+';right:0px;display:none"></div>'
                              +'  <div class="panel" style="overflow:auto;width:'+o.jqm_PercentCalcDir+'%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;z-index:999;right:0px;display:none"></div>'
                              +'  <div class="form_search" style="height:100%;width:'+o.jqm_PercentCalcPanel+'%;overflow:auto;position:absolute;z-index:99;top:0px;left:0px;display:none">'
                              +'    <div class="destinations">'
                              +'      <div style="padding:5px" class="container_dest">'
                              +'         <span id="marcker1"><img src="https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/icon_greenA.png" alt="" /></span><input type="text" value="" /><span class="elimina" style="cursor:pointer;display:none"><img src="'+img+'el.gif" alt="" /></span>'
                              +'      </div>'
                              +      $input_destination
                              +'    </div>'
                              +      o.jqm_TextTravelMode+'<br/><select class="TravelMode">'
                              +'     <option value="DRIVING" selected="selected">'+o.jqm_TextDriving+'</option>'
                              +'     <option value="WALKING">'+o.jqm_TextWalking+'</option>'
                              +'     <option value="BICYCLING">'+o.jqm_TextBicy+'</option>'
                              +'    </select> <input type="checkbox" name="opt_wp" class="opt_wp" id="'+number_map+'" value="1" /><label for="'+number_map+'">'+o.jqm_TextWP+'</label><br/>'
                              +'    <button class="button-primary add_destination"><img src="'+img+'add.png" alt="" /><span>'+o.jqm_TextButtonAdd+'</span></button>'
                              +'    <button class="button-primary start_calc"><img src="'+img+'calc.png" alt="" /><span>'+o.jqm_TextButtonCalc+'</span></button>'
                              +'    <button class="button-primary print_route"><img src="'+img+'print_route.png" alt="" /><span>'+o.jqm_PrintRouteText+'</span></button>'
                              +'   </div>'
                              +'   <div class="map" style="width:100%;height:100%;"><div style="width:100%;text-align:center;position:absolute;top:50%;">CLICK ON ROUTE CALC FORM AND START</div></div>'
                              +'   <div class="printable_panel" style="display:none;"></div>'
                              +'  </div>');
                   var $start_calc = $this.find('.start_calc')
                   ,   $map = $this.find('.map')
    			   ,   $div_distance = $this.find('.jqm_distance')
                   ,   $panel = $this.find('.panel')
                   ,   $destination = $this.find('.destinations')
                   ,   $add_destination = $this.find('.add_destination')
                   ,   $button_route = $this.find('.jqm_route')
                   ,   $button_indications = $this.find('.jqm_indication') 
                   ,   $travel_select = $this.find('.TravelMode')
                   ,   $printable_panel = $this.find('.panel')
                   ,   $opt_wp = $this.find('.opt_wp')
                   ,   $print_route = $this.find('.print_route') 
                   ,   $form_search = $this.find('.form_search') 
                   ,   $opacity_search = $this.find('.opacity_search')
                   ,   $opacity_panel = $this.find('.opacity_panel')
                   ,   marck_array = ",A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z"
                   ,   marck = marck_array.split(",");               
                   if(o.jqm_Fixdestination != ''){
                     if ($destination.find("input").length >= 10){ alert(o.jqm_WpExtra); return false;};
                     var d_lenght = $destination.find("input").not('.final_destination').length+1
                     , marcker = '<img src="https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/icon_green'+marck[d_lenght]+'.png" alt="" />';
                     if( o.jqm_Fixdestination != ''){
                       $('<div style="padding:5px" class="container_dest"><span id="marcker'+d_lenght+'">'+marcker+'</span><input type="text" value="" /><span class="elimina" style="cursor:pointer"><img src="'+img+'el.gif" alt="" /></span></div>').insertBefore($destination.find(".final_destination"));
                      $destination.append('<div style="padding:5px" class="container_dest"><span id="marcker'+d_lenght+'">'+marcker+'</span><input type="text" value="" /><span class="elimina" style="cursor:pointer"><img src="'+img+'el.gif" alt="" /></span></div>');
                     if( o.jqm_Fixdestination != ''){
                      var max_input = 2;
                      var max_input = 3;
                     if($destination.find("input").not('.final_destination').length < max_input){
                         marcker =  '<img src="https://maps.gstatic.com/mapfiles/markers2/icon_green'+marck[i]+'.png" alt="" />';   
                       var tot_input = $destination.find("input").not('.final_destination').length;
                       if($destination.find("input").not('.final_destination').length < max_input){
     </pre> `
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by mouslat.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Your Google Maps script is being loaded over HTTP. It should be HTTPS. Here’s the call in your page:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&language=en&libraries=places&ver=5.2.2'></script>

    Focus on the “src=http” bit.

    That’s pretty much the scope of help we can give you. There’s no knowing how that plugin was built and we don’t support commercial plugins.

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