Thanks for sharing the screen recording. The widget/block “Search Form” available with the plugin VikRentCar comes with a few settings, among which you can find one called “Page”. That’s what you’re using in the home page of your website, but the widget/block is missing a page that will be used as the action of the form, hence the landing page. That’s why you go back to a generic home page of your website when clicking the button to start the booking process.
You should first create a few mandatory Shortcodes through VikRentCar by using the apposite wp-admin page available in the top toolbar of the page Dashboard. The mandatory Shortcodes are the “Search Form” and the “Order Details”. You can eventually set up other Shortcodes, such as the “Card List”. Once the Shortcodes have been created and assigned to a page of your website (this is also doable through the native Gutenberg blocks installed by VikRentCar), you should edit the settings of your widget and make sure the “Page” parameter is linked to a page containing a Shortcode that was previously created. This will solve your issue.
We invite you to get in touch with our team through our website should you have any questions or issues.
Thank you,
The VikWP Team