• Hello all. I have installed the Subscribe Me widget and placed it in the sidebar with the Presentation->Widgets portion of the control panel. The widget is working but as you can see from my blog its icons are drifting down to the bottom of the sidebar.

    After some investigating I found that the html for the widget is not being placed inside an li tag yet it is inside the ul construction for the other sidebar elemenets.

    I checked the widget code and it provides for $args[‘before_widget’] and $args[‘after_widget’], which is I suppose what would include the proper tags. However, there is nothing in the control panel interface for the widget that allows me to set these arguments.

    Is the WP control panel supposed to set them to the proper li elements when I add the widget? In other words is this a WP malfunction or a problem with the widget? If the latter is it kosher to just hack the widget code to add
    li tags?



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