Plugin not compatible with WP 4.7?
I went ahead and installed the plugin but when I try to complete the Cloudflare set up, in the plugin all I see is “Home, Settings and Analytics” and a circle telling me its loading for hours. I want to complete and move along to other stuff as soon as is possible.
Thank you
Same here – I also notice the plugin is not compatible with php7, but even when I set php to 5.6, it says the same thing.
This is what shows up in the console
action @ 18:51:38.517 CONFIG_FETCH compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.936 CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.938 CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.940 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.943 USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.946 ZONES_FETCH compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.949 @@router/TRANSITION compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.950 @@router/UPDATE_LOCATION compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.969 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:38.970 APPLICATION_INIT compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:40.079 ZONES_FETCH_ERROR compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 action @ 18:51:40.084 NOTIFICATION_ADD compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 Uncaught Error: Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings. at r (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28) at s (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27) at u (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27) at Object.instantiateChildren (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24) at y._reconcilerInstantiateChildren (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26) at y.mountChildren (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26) at y._createContentMarkup (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25) at y.mountComponent (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24) at Object.mountComponent (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26) at y.mountChildren (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26) r @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 s @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 u @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 instantiateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _reconcilerInstantiateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 mountChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _createContentMarkup @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 mountChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _createContentMarkup @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 mountComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _mountChildByNameAtIndex @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 updateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateDOMChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateRenderedComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _performComponentUpdate @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 updateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _reconcilerUpdateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 updateChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateDOMChildren @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateRenderedComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _performComponentUpdate @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateRenderedComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _performComponentUpdate @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 receiveComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 _updateRenderedComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 _performComponentUpdate @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 updateComponent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 performUpdateIfNecessary @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 performUpdateIfNecessary @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 s @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 perform @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 perform @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 perform @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 S @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 closeAll @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 perform @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 batchedUpdates @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:25 u @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:27 r @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 enqueueSetState @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:26 r.setState @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 s.handleChange @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21 l @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 dispatch @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:29 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 d.callback @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:5 (anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:5 r.emit @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:5 n.onreadystatechange @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:5
Can you please share what’s in your PHP error log and your browser console?
Having trouble activating hostgator php logging – it’s empty.
But the paste above IS from my browser console, and like the other user, “all I see is “Home, Settings and Analytics” and a circle telling me it’s loading for hours”.
This server is using cloudflare https rewrites.But on my other server (which is natively https) it seems OK, but there’s also a lot more warnings!
All the stuff below doesn’t appear on any other WordPress settings page
?load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=4.7:9 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.279 CONFIG_FETCH compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.420 CONFIG_FETCH_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.426 CONFIG_UPDATE_BY_KEY compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.428 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.431 USER_LOGIN_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.434 ZONES_FETCH compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.438 @@router/TRANSITION compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.440 @@router/UPDATE_LOCATION compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.717 INTL_FETCH_TRANSLATIONS_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.719 APPLICATION_INIT compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.863 ZONES_FETCH_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.869 ZONE_SET_ACTIVE_ZONE compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.876 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.884 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.889 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.894 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:10.901 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:11.152 PLUGIN_SETTINGS_FETCH_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a 04d4b0de5d2e9827fa25be6b08b81464 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A MX compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:12.364340Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:12.364340Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a ec6d7c0819429346cf5d0eac17a36bda compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A MX compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:33.581773Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:33.581773Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a 6a56977a2d88513d9fdbd8037bb879b4 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A MX compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "priority" values. Using the earlier value. 5 10 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:50.854116Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:35:50.854116Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a 1b85ef82d3de7925f9052bd026209012 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A MX compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "priority" values. Using the earlier value. 5 10 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:36:04.757915Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:36:04.757915Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a b317cdf8d6811e1d4a9e07669829a4a4 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A MX compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "priority" values. Using the earlier value. 5 1 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:34:53.787895Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:34:53.787895Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a e408d7d3052b63df1fb86d128ae8d371 compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A TXT compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. google-site-verification=ZSojjGFwLS5gBV_Ql51FnxK6U6kc5qfoIsFo8YGPKOI compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2016-01-02T12:01:27.796898Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2016-01-02T12:01:27.796898Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "id" values. Using the earlier value. dec12f09bbcd9adec47cdd5d0b82084a c9cfb3ac024bdfa44c69fcbbf8ab20ad compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "type" values. Using the earlier value. A TXT compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "content" values. Using the earlier value. v=spf1 ~all compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxiable" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "proxied" values. Using the earlier value. true false compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "modified_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:39:19.172034Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:4 When merging two 7ee13c8c942feb5c000d6ba9019d11d0, found unequal data in their "created_on" values. Using the earlier value. 2016-09-12T06:44:55.988149Z 2015-12-03T14:39:19.172034Z compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:11.424 DNS_RECORD_FETCH_LIST_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:11.545 ZONES_RAILGUNS_FETCH_ALL_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:16 Only a single Gateway can be rendered at a time into a GatewayDest.You rendered multiple into "modal" compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:11.826 ZONE_FETCH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24 action @ 21:14:12.009 ZONE_FETCH_ANALYTICS_SUCCESS
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Hi @digitaltoast, @ddhservices,
I’m running WP 4.7 and the plugin works as expected.
Can you confirm that the plugin was working in the previous version of WP?
Can you share your PHP error logs?Thanks
I’m getting the same thing on a WP 4.7 and PHP 7 install. I didn’t have the plugin installed previously.
Edit: No errors showing up in the error log either.
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Hello, I too am having problems with the plugin.
When I try to turn on the button ‘Automatic Cache Management’ it goes green but when I refresh it goes back to off setting.
(I have another server that is on another version of WordPress and it is working correctly)
Extra info:
– Tried with PHP5.6 and 7.0
– WordPress 4.7
– No error in the server LogIt gives this error on the console:
compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2 PATCH /wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=cloudflare_proxy 404 (Not Found)
d.end @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2
o @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2
u @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2
s @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:30
(anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24
(anonymous) @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24
t.handleChange @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:28
r @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
a @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:19
s @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:19
f @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:19
d @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:19
r @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:23
processEventQueue @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:19
r @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
handleTopLevel @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
a @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
i @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
perform @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:23
batchedUpdates @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:21
i @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:23
dispatchEvent @ compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:22
compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:30 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘body’ of undefined
at o (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:30)
at o (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:30)
at Object.callback (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:24)
at compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2
at d.callback (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2)
at d.<anonymous> (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2)
at d.r.emit (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2)
at XMLHttpRequest.n.onreadystatechange (compiled.js?ver=3.1.1:2)-
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Same thing
Hi all,
I couldn’t reproduce the issue.
Could you verify that when you are on Cloudflare Plugin Setting Page the zone name (top left corner) is being updated?
Could you submit a support ticket to mentioning this post. Please attach Har files and PHP error logs to your tickets.
@ideavity Your issue is different you probably have a security plugin which blocks PATCH requests as your error says:
> PATCH /wordpress/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=cloudflare_proxy 404
You can figure out the plugin which causes this and disable it (or the setting). Another option could be your Apache/Nginx settings blocking PATCH requests. Your issue is not related with this topic. If you have further questions please open a new topic.
Hello everyone,
Another user is having the same issue with the following settings.
Does anyone has similar plugins/settings provided below? This would help us narrow down the problem.
WordPress 4.7.2
PHP 7.0
Apache 2.4 with mod_cloudflare and LetsEncrypt (not using SSL for any CloudFlare sites)
WHM 60 cPanel on CentOS 7.3 64 bitOther enabled plugins:
Companion Auto Update
Disable Comments
EWWW Image Optimizer
of those mentioned, only akismet
WordPress Cloudflare Plugin 3.2.0 is live fixing the issue. Could you give it a try.
You can see the changelog
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
- The topic ‘Plugin not compatible with WP 4.7?’ is closed to new replies.