Hi @heathcliff2013,
Thanks for using our plugins.
By default the plugin should not be loaded on AMP pages, only if you change the AMP templates to use the default wp_footer hooks.
You can add the following code snippets to your functions.php to disable the GDPR plugin on AMP pages:
add_filter('gdpr_infobar_base_module','gdpr_remove_from_amp', 10, 1);
add_filter('gdpr_floating_button_module','gdpr_remove_from_amp', 10, 1);
add_filter('gdpr_modal_base_module','gdpr_remove_from_amp', 10, 1);
function gdpr_remove_from_amp( $content ) {
return function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() ? '' : $content;
More details here: https://support.mooveagency.com/topic/issue-with-gdpr-and-amp-pages/
Hope this helps.