hi there, i am in the process of making this verticle on the right for my own project, the only problem I run into is that the JS for the movement of the large image seems to center it based on the overall gallery dimensions (there is a large gap to the left of the image, which it uses to scroll, also some of the image is cut off, and the window displaying white instead of the image in place. i’ve fixed this and below is the whole fix i did to make it to the right.
I have been flopping around in the files, and have done everything but make the thumb animations work (i have animation disavbled and in a grid layout to the right of the images. so i didnt bother) make a custom css for the styles(copy the content from the default css ) and then make both header and footer peices to float right or left, this really only matters if you have the thumbs under image selected)
.scrollgallery .scrollGalleryHead{float:left;
.scrollgallery .scrollGalleryFoot{float:left;width:600px;
.scrollgallery .thumbarea{width:230px; max-width:230px;
i think percents were working but i went deliberate, the important thing is that your total gallery needs to be total size i:e 825 in my case, youve got to mess with the overflow on the thumbs along with making them inline and the container having a max width or they will break out,
my problem i ran into is after doing this the php uses the total width of the slideshow instead of the images veiw window, along with a “margin” between them that uses total width.
this was on line 311-ish of the file nngscrollgallery.php
$style='width:'.($newimagewidth-320).'px; height:'.($newimageheight).'px; max-width:'.($newimagewidth).'px; ';
hope this helps, mabey after this project, ill export it as a template if you cats are interested