• I’m a rookie at this and don’t understand why I can’t load photos at all. When I do I get a directory message and it makes no sense to me. I assumed the “easiest and best” plugin would be both but if I can’t even add one photo, it’s neither of those.

    All I’ve done is installed the plug in and tried to use it. The error flashes across the screen which means I can’t tell you exactly what it says but it takes me back to the page where I add photos and it says this:

    Directory /home/daddio5/public_html/custombucketseats.com/wp-content/gallery/wall-of-fame contains no pictures


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  • I’m having issues loading pictures after I have created 20 galleries (maybe not related….) I upload an image, it goes to 100% and then gives me the message in the message:

    ERROR: picture.jpg
    Warning: call_user_func_array() {function.call-user-func-array}:First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘byobtshw_add_options_page’ Was given in /home/squidwrh/public_html/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403

    Help?? I have tried both the flash and non-flash upload options. My client will be adding more pictures in the future, so adding them through FTP is not really an option.

    I have the same issue. When I were to upload 5 photos, it gives errors for some reason. Here is the error below.

    ERROR: 001.jpg :
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wpcf7_add_tag_generator() in /home/indigodergisi.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/text.php on line 152

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