• For some reason the flash slideshow of my next gen galleries just stopped working. They were working fine and everything was all good then i went to insert another gallery on a post and after publishing i went to check it and the load bar or circle just spins and no images load. I did nothing to the blog on the back end.

    So i updated to the newest version just now and it still doesn’t help…

    Any ideas….



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  • Please post a link

    Same exact problem for me on the front page of https://www.ahsgerman.com.

    I have deactivated and reactivated my plugins one at a time, but that did not do the trick.

    Thank you for any guidance you can give.

    — Art

    Using WP 2.7 with NextGen 102 by the way.

    It was working just fine and then it just stopped. Odd.

    Have been reading other threads and have tried some of what I found there. (Tried to comment out a line that did not seem to exist. Fiddled with permissions. Tried to add something to my header that turned out not to be missing. And so on.) No luck so far.

    I do think it’s a great plugin, of course. Just not sure what’s going on with the slideshow right now.

    — Art

    open xml/imagerotator.php and delete the lines :

    function get_out_now() { exit; }
    add_action('shutdown', 'get_out_now', -1);

    Let me know if it’s working…

    Yes, that did it. Thank you, Alex!


    I just upgraded to 1.1.0 and the Image Rotator/Slideshow stopped working. I get the error “Get the Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support to see the slideshow.”

    The file xml/imagerotator.php does not have those lines in it.

    Any ideas?


    I found part of the answer here:

    but the sidebar widget slideshow is still not working.


    OK, the sidebar issue (not using widgets):

    I had this line in my sidebar.php:

    swfobject.embedSWF(“<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/imagerotator.swf“, “sbsl0_5”, “190”, “140”, “7.0.0”, false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

    had to change to:

    swfobject.embedSWF(“<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/wp-content/uploads/imagerotator.swf“, “sbsl0_5”, “190”, “140”, “7.0.0”, false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr );

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