• Hola,

    First I get this… The script detect that you upgrade from a older version. Your database tables for NextGEN Gallery is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue. If you would like to downgrade later, please make first a complete backup of your database and the images. The upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.

    Then I get this… Upgrade successful Continue…

    Then I get this again… The script detect that you upgrade from a older version. Your database tables for NextGEN Gallery is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue. If you would like to downgrade later, please make first a complete backup of your database and the images. The upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.

    I’m excluded from all the Gallery setting in the admin sidebar.

    Thanks in advance if you have any ideas.


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  • festinhabobanoape


    Didi you find a solution? I am having the same problem…




    Well, I found a great solution, downgrade back to NextGen version 1.4.3 and thinking 100 times before doing a new upgrade…

    I hope this will help somenone with the same situation.

    Alex Rabe


    I apologize any troubles, but the upgrade routine didn’t work correct under WPMU



    Hi Alex,

    Are you going to make this work for WPMU or this is not in your near future plan?

    Alex Rabe


    I think after the release of WP3.0 it’s much easier, as it’s one code base, then I will look again for WPMU.

    I never used/needed WPMU so my motivation is a bit lower, but code contribution & donations may do the rest ??



    I am not sure but I think the MU stands for Multi-User. If so, I am not a WPMU user, I’m the only admin in my personal blog…

    Alex Rabe


    Then you should open your own thread



    <lt;I never used/needed WPMU so my motivation is a bit lower, but code contribution & donations may do the rest :-)>

    Alexrabe are you saying that nextgen will not work right in wpmu.

    I have it installed and I am getting the upgrade message on my main site, When I click to upgrade it, it then says its upgraded, but the message comes up again to upgrade any time I try to use nextgen.
    On my sub sites it works. I am just afraid that it will stop working on my sub sites.
    Should I delete the plugin or is there a solution to this problem.

    Alex Rabe


    Alexrabe are you saying that nextgen will not work right in wpmu.

    From the WPMU users response : YES, looks like there are some issues with the upgrade



    Then you should open your own thread

    I did, and not only me, there’s someone else there as well, but no answers for the last 6 days, that’s why I came here, I hope I caught your attention and would be very grateful if you could help us over there:


    Thanks again…

    I am running WP 3.01 with multiple sites and had the same problem.
    I solved it by:
    1.Enabling admin menus for plugins from the admin network options for all users.
    2.Deactivate the plugin / activate it.

    Make sure all networks of sites are updated before you do anything.



    i had the problem too. I solved it that way:

    1. take a look in your WP Database
    2. search the entry of your Subblog, show like this: “wp3_3_ngg*” (part “wp3_” is your WPInstall, “3_” is the number of your SubBlog)
    3. my “wp3_2_ngg*” where ready for NextGenGallery, The Installation for “wp3_3_ngg*” had no Table right now.
    4. I export the 3 table on “wp3_2_ngg*”
    5. I replaced “wp3_2_ngg* with “wp3_3ngg*”
    6. now in Backend the upgrade for NGG is correct

    @alexrabe: where were some more integration in Database?

    here is my exportcode:

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version 3.3.3
    -- https://www.phpmyadmin.net
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Erstellungszeit: 03. August 2010 um 12:14
    -- Server Version: 5.0.45
    -- PHP-Version: 5.2.10
    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
    -- Datenbank: <code>Datenbank</code>
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_album</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp3_3_ngg_album</code> (
      <code>id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      <code>name</code> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      <code>previewpic</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>albumdesc</code> mediumtext,
      <code>sortorder</code> longtext NOT NULL,
      <code>pageid</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (<code>id</code>)
    -- Daten für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_album</code>
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_gallery</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp3_3_ngg_gallery</code> (
      <code>gid</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      <code>name</code> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      <code>path</code> mediumtext,
      <code>title</code> mediumtext,
      <code>galdesc</code> mediumtext,
      <code>pageid</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>previewpic</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>author</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      PRIMARY KEY  (<code>gid</code>)
    -- Daten für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_gallery</code>
    -- --------------------------------------------------------
    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_pictures</code>
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp3_3_ngg_pictures</code> (
      <code>pid</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      <code>post_id</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>galleryid</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>filename</code> varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      <code>description</code> mediumtext,
      <code>alttext</code> mediumtext,
      <code>imagedate</code> datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      <code>exclude</code> tinyint(4) default '0',
      <code>sortorder</code> bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
      <code>meta_data</code> longtext,
      PRIMARY KEY  (<code>pid</code>),
      KEY <code>post_id</code> (<code>post_id</code>)
    -- Daten für Tabelle <code>wp3_3_ngg_pictures</code>

    EDIT: PS: thx alexraabe for this great PlugIn!!!
    PPS: dont know why it show, but delete the entry “code” in SQL before making the integration!

    I can’t seem to get rid of the issue.

    I am using latest version of NextGEN Gallery (v.1.5.5) with latest version of WP (3.0.1) with MU activated.

    – I have admin menus for plugins enabled.
    – I deactivated plugin and network activated again.
    – I have updated the network (superadmin –> update)
    – I reset plugin (from plugin options).
    – I uninstalled plugin (from plugin options – so this should delete the entries from the database, right?).
    – Re-installed fresh copy of plugin.

    So far no luck getting rid of the upgrade loop for subsites. Plugin works fine on the supersite.

    Not really comfortable editing database as I did not completely understand/follow instructions from post above.

    Any other ideas?

    I took a look at the database using phpMyAdmin and I see the NGG entries for the supersite but none for subsites.

    I see…


    But there are NO corresponding ones for the subsites, such as…


    I clicked on each of the 3 entries for the supersite, selected all fields, and did a “Drop” thinking maybe I can force more of a reset. But the entries and fields are still there. Did not seem to improve things (and hope I did not screw anything, seems to still be working, not sure what “Drop” actually did…). I am concerned I will end up screwing things more than fix them…

    I also noticed that one of my test subsites has the three ngg entries in the database. But logging into that subsite still shows the same upgrade loop behavior.

    Any words of wisdom?

    Found solution from another thread:

    Basically log in as SuperAdmin in the Subsite showing issue, go to Plugins and Deactivate, then Network Activate again the NGG plugin.

    I guess I deleted the plugins, my customizations and database tables unnecessarily trying to fix the harder way…

    Good to have it working again!

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