• I am also having the same issue. Slideshow will not display after updating plugin and WP.

    WP 2.7
    NGG: 1.0.1

    My site:

    I think the issue may be in the call to the slideshow here:

    <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
    		var so15 = new SWFObject("https://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/imagerotator.swf", "ngg_slideshow", "485", "280", "0", "#000000");
    		so15.addParam("wmode", "opaque");
    		so15.addVariable("file", "https://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggextractXML.php?gid=");
    		so15.addVariable("linkfromdisplay", "true");
    		so15.addVariable("shownavigation", "false");
    		so15.addVariable("showicons", "true");
    		so15.addVariable("overstretch", "false");
    		so15.addVariable("backcolor", "0x000000");
    		so15.addVariable("frontcolor", "0x888888");
    		so15.addVariable("lightcolor", "0xCC0000");
    		so15.addVariable("screencolor", "0x000000");
    		so15.addVariable("rotatetime", "5");
    		so15.addVariable("transition", "random");
    		so15.addVariable("width", "485");
    		so15.addVariable("height", "280");

    I see this line:
    so15.addVariable(“file”, “https://www.mydomain.com/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggextractXML.php?gid=&#8221;);

    Yet there is no nggextractXML.php in the updated directory.

    Is that the issue?

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  • My site (https://www.l-a-r-s-e-n.dk/) having the same error, and the same missing file. It works fine with older versions, but not the latest.

    var sbsl = new SWFObject(“https://www.l-a-r-s-e-n.dk/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/imagerotator.swf&#8221;, “ngg_slideshow4”, “970”, “172”, “7”, “#000000”);
    sbsl.addParam(“wmode”, “opaque”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“file”, “https://www.l-a-r-s-e-n.dk/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggextractXML.php?gid=4&#8221;);
    sbsl.addVariable(“linkfromdisplay”, “false”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“shownavigation”, “false”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“showicons”, “false”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“overstretch”, “true”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“backcolor”, “0x000000”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“frontcolor”, “0xFFFFFF”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“lightcolor”, “0xCC0000”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“screencolor”, “0x000000”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“rotatetime”, “4”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“transition”, “fade”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“width”, “970”);
    sbsl.addVariable(“height”, “172”);

    I’ve tried to copy the file nggextractXML.php manually, same error.

    The script code has changed, you need to use now the swfobject.js 2.1 way. See here for more info’s

    I have the same issues, I went to the link you provided and downloaded that file and placed it on my server and the problem still exists.

    can you please help with this as my site was days from going live and now all the galleries and slideshows are broken.


    Thank you!

    Well I was able to get it working.

    For others struggling with this issue here s what I did:

    I downloaded the new swfobject.js file and replaced it in the lib folder for the old one.

    I made a quick backup of my ngg tables.

    I then deleted the tables and the plugin folder.

    I deactivated all other plugins.

    I installed and activated the ngg plugin…checked and all was good (minus some settings needing to be reset)

    I reactivated all plugins.

    It’s working now.

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