
    I’m just trying out a fresh install of NexGen gallery as I have been considering moving away from Gallery 3.

    One thing that seems to be missing in NexGen is proper navigation.

    Say I have inserted the an album of galleries into a page. From that I click on a photo to go to the gallery. I check out the gallery. Then I remember I saw a few other images (galleries) that might be of interest. How do I get there? (please don’t tell me to press the browser Back button. Seriously!)

    Also, how does NexGen handle pagination? I din’t see any setting to define how many thumbnails to show on a page…


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  • Thread Starter OC2PS


    P.S. I meant NextGen, obviously.

    I’m trying to figure that out now, too. That is the single biggest missing piece of this whole thing compared to Gallery2/3.

    There’s tons of posts (and the search function on this forum sucks) but every topic is “CLOSED” and the solutions within are not relevant. The most seems to be Yoast Breadcrumbs, and that hasn’t worked for me either.

    Thread Starter OC2PS


    I think WordPress forum posts are automatically closed after a certain period of dormancy.

    The NextGen Gallery was last updated on 2012-1-17 so I assume development is still on, but I wonder about their support.


    Support isn’t any better or worse than anything else, the plugin is definitely one of the most actively developed, but a one man show can only do so much. The forum here is the huge problem. It’s practically useless and simply blows me away how lame and functionlessly primitive it is for such an advanced product that it’s being used to support.

    Could be worse- it could be WPBB or whatever that other “Web 2.0 on Steroids” disaster that seems to be popular, is. They really need to work in something like SMF or PHP-BB that does what it does, best.

    Most posts here simply go un-answered as they scroll off the first page and that’s it, lost forever. The search results, even if they were dated and recent first, would be hoards more usable.

    That said, I have three sites with Gallery 2, and that thing is just a complete spaghetti coded resource hog. But it has a well matured WP plugin and with the right themes it works very well.

    OTOH- NGG is much more active, and yet lags enormously in that area. Sadly. I’m trying to justify switching and it’s an uphill battle at an angle of 85 degrees. Any more and I’d be falling over backwards.

    At least, NGG isn’t a Web 2.0 disaster itself.

    Thread Starter OC2PS


    You’re lucky…I made the mistake of moving from G2 to G3. Huge disaster.

    While G2 is spaghetti code, G3 is half-baked potato when it comes to functionality. Worse, the G3 plugins for WP (yes, there are 2) are not even close to decent.

    I have been hoping that I’d find a native WP plugin that would be good enough to justify a switch.

    So, here’s what I did:

    Created a bunch of albums, one for each year- in this particular site.
    Example: https://img43.imageshack.us/img43/1856/sortorder.png

    In each I’ll a new Gallery for each item to be filed under that year.

    Installed Breadcrumbs NavXT 4.0.1

    In page.php for my theme, I placed the code for the breadcrumbs so that it would be active only on pages, and not during posts.

    The real reason I did that was I only wanted it for the Galleries, and I wanted it right above the image browser, and it wasn’t working when I added it to view/imagebrowser.php directly. (It was adding an extra ‘home’ link every time the image was advanced, since I am using the [X] don’t refresh the page for the next image option.)

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/postTop.php’); ?>
    <!– h2 class=”single-title”><?php // the_title(); ?></h2–>
    <div class=”breadcrumbs”>
    <!– Added from here –>
    <?php if(function_exists(‘bcn_display’)){ bcn_display(); }?>
    <!– to here for Breadcrumbs only on pages, not post titles–>
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/postMiddle.php’); ?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <!– Metadata – tags, categories, comments and so on… –>
    <p class=”postmetadata”>
    <?php edit_post_link(__(‘Edit’, ‘vSlider’),”,’??? ‘); ?>

    The original line is the h2 class”single-title” php… where I commented out both the html and php and just left it there. I added the <div class”breadcrumbs”… in place of the post title.

    Now if I can figure out how to edit the CSS that Breadcrumbs NavXT generates, then I can increase the font size again, so it’s like the page title was.

    The reason I didn’t just use the same style as the page-title is because I want the navigation separator ‘->’ to be a different color and I can’t figure out how to do it anyway, but Breadcrumbs NavXT does it for me. So..

    Here’s what it looks like:

    The page for each year just has the short code for the particular album for that year:
    [album id=34 template=extend] and each of these pages is a sub page off the main photo gallery page. So the whole thing is available from one link to drill down into.

    Any gallery that is added to that for the year will just show up when that page is selected. The year page can always be selected again just above in the Breadcrumb trail, or the main photo gallery page on level higher, and if they’re done- just select the home, or other page/site selection from either the top or side menus.

    Now … if there were an Aperture (Apple) uploader I’d be set.

    Changing the main photo gallery page, the one that everything else is a sub-page of, to use links to the sub pages instead of shortcodes to the albums actually makes this work pretty much like Gallery2 except that the actual gallery being browsed will not show up in the navigation above- which is fine, as I’ve got it’s name above the photo being shown anyway. My main goal with the navigation was two fold:

    To be able to just add stuff in the admin and not have to make a new page/post/thing for each, and for people to browse in/out of each gallery. This does that.

    I also figured out that Breadcrumbs NavXT (via the forum), does not have any default CSS, so I added that too, and we’re good to go.


    I use WP as CMS (use only pages, no posts). Do you think this solution will work for me?

    I don’t see why not.

    Taking the CMS viewpoint, Posts are just content that can be displayed on a Page.

    They work 99% the same way. That’s all I’m using for the photo parts anyway, is pages.

    I’m SOOO NEW to php, css, html etc I have only been learning it the last few weeks so please forgive me if this isnt half damn obvious but I wanted to post it here as its what I needed it to do and it worked for me…

    I used Yoast breadcrumbs in conjunction with NextGen Gallery

    To make it work I selected my page.php and duplicated it to create a page_gallery.php that I would use for my NextGen Gallery pages.

    Then I inserted the breadcrumb code where I wanted it to appear and then made whatever changes I wanted to the breadcrumb design through the toolbar settings with Yoast.

    Now I changed all my NextGen Gallery pages to the New Template page design and TA DAH!!!! IT WORKED !!!

    I’m sorry I’m so excited about this but its so simple and obvious now that I know what I have done its just I’m a complete Newbie to PHP, HTML and CSS and I have done my website all by myself and I am soo proud LOL!!!

    ANYWAYS!!! take a look here https://www.kizzieskorner.com and click on the gallery menu – there you can see the breadcrumb in action only on PAGES created for my NextGen Gallery and not EVERY Page created!!!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE NextGen Gallery it makes my life sooo much easier…!!

    (PS my website doesnt open til July 1st 2012 so please ignore incomplete items)

    PPS Hope this helps someone!!


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