I also had to create pages for each gallery and associate them in the nextgen gallery management screen, and activate permalinks both on the site and in the nextgen gallery options page.
Here’s a breakdown of that link and what each thing is doing:
<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>
– Prints out the url of the site
– Needed to be manually inserted to call for the imagebrowser instead of gallery page
<?php echo $image->pageid . '/page/' . $image->pid ?>
– as per Dopplboxx, prints the gallery page id – then interrupts the php and appends “/page/” to the url manually – then calls for the $pid (defined in image.php) which is the “picture id.”
The rest was part of the default link so I left it alone – it’s mostly meta info.
It was a tangled mess but in the end now I can show multiple galleries of thumbnails on a single page by calling for the gallery in the loop using <?php do_shortcode('[nggallery id=#]'); ?>
and have each thumbnail link to it’s info page in the imagebrowser where all the meta is. With only Doppleboxx’s suggestion it took me to the gallery page and made user “click again” to get to the image info.
Works great for portfolio sites.
* The php that is printing out this link is ordinarily found on line 42 of gallery.php
* Not sure where this happens in a widget, but I will look into it and if I figure it out I will post again.