• hi there,

    i‘m totally clueless and stumped about the displaying problem from my album overview. There is no way (for me) to show the albums correct in two, three or just four rows (horizontal / display block). Every time there is just one row (vertical) with all of my albums.

    I‘ve checked my style.css and nggallery.css to prevent this … play with Firebug, but no real success! I figured out two things:

    01 if i disable the clear:both; command in the nggallery.css the albums show correct parallel in four rows, but then my content page is cut off at the bottom.

    02 i have checked the source code from other sides, where the album thing works (e.g. https://www.benniwolf.de) i‘ve noticed that the generated code is different to mine.

    <div id="content">
    	<div class="post" id="post-355">
    		<h2 class="posttitle">Galerie</h2>
    		<div class="ngg-albumoverview">
    					<div class="ngg-album-compact">
    						<div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
    							<div class="ngg-album-link">
    								<a class="Link" href="/galerie-2?album=2&amp;gallery=23"><img class="Thumb" alt="Hochzeitsfotografie Favoriten 2008" src="https://www.benniwolf.de/wp-content/gallery/hochzeitsfotografie-favoriten-2008/thumbs/thumbs_Portfolio_2008-0002.jpg"/></a>
    						<h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="Hochzeitsfotografie Favoriten 2008" href="/galerie-2?album=2&amp;gallery=23">Hochzeitsfotografie Favoriten 2008</a></h4>
    						<strong>24</strong> Fotos
    					<div class="ngg-album-compact">
    						<div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
    							<div class="ngg-album-link">
    								<a class="Link" href="/galerie-2?album=2&amp;gallery=22"><img class="Thumb" alt="Mosaik Sommerfestival 2008" src="https://www.benniwolf.de/wp-content/gallery/mosaik-sommerfestival-2008/thumbs/thumbs_IMG_0162.jpg"/></a>
    						<h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="Mosaik Sommerfestival 2008" href="/galerie-2?album=2&amp;gallery=22">Mosaik Sommerfestival 2008</a></h4>
    						<strong>50</strong> Fotos
    					<div class="ngg-album-compact">
    						<div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
    							<div class="ngg-album-link">
    								<a class="Link" href="/galerie-2?album=2&amp;gallery=21"><img class="Thumb" alt="Iburg Bergsprint 2008" src="https://www.benniwolf.de/wp-content/gallery/iburg-bergsprint-2008/thumbs/thumbs_IMG_5579.jpg"/></a>
    <div class="ngg-clear"></div>

    the div classes <div class="ngg-albumoverview"> and <div class="ngg-clear"> are just called once. on my page both div classes are called several times. (see code)

    <div id="content">
    		<div class="post" id="post-10">
    			<p class="post-date">
    				<span class="date-day">5</span>
    				<span class="date-month">Jul</span>
    <div class="entry">
    <div class="ngg-albumoverview">         
            <!-- List of galleries -->
            <div class="ngg-album-compact">
                    <div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
                            <div class="ngg-album-link">
                                    <a class="Link" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=2&amp;gallery=3">
                                            <img class="Thumb" alt="Lina‘s Zimmer" src="https://www.xxx/thumbs_img_7998.jpg"/>
                    <h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="Lina‘s Zimmer" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=2&amp;gallery=3" >Lina‘s Zimmer</a></h4>
                    <strong>11</strong> Fotos
    <div class="ngg-clear"></div>
    <div class="ngg-albumoverview">         
            <!-- List of galleries -->
            <div class="ngg-album-compact">
                    <div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
                            <div class="ngg-album-link">
                                    <a class="Link" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=12&amp;gallery=13">
                                            <img class="Thumb" alt="Prenatal" src="https://www.xxx/thumbs_img_88_index.jpg"/>
                    <h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="Prenatal" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=12&amp;gallery=13" >Prenatal</a></h4>
                    <strong>20</strong> Fotos
    <div class="ngg-clear"></div>
    <div class="ngg-albumoverview">         
            <!-- List of galleries -->
            <div class="ngg-album-compact">
                    <div class="ngg-album-compactbox">
                            <div class="ngg-album-link">
                                    <a class="Link" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=10&amp;gallery=10">
                                            <img class="Thumb" alt="Lina Geburt" src="https://www.xxx/thumbs_lina_geburt_index.jpg"/>
                    <h4><a class="ngg-album-desc" title="Lina Geburt" href="/lina/?page_id=10&amp;album=10&amp;gallery=10" >Lina Geburt</a></h4>
                    <strong>14</strong> Fotos
    <div class="ngg-clear"></div>

    i would be more than happy, if someone out there can help. thanks for reading and any hints and tips … ah, and btw. sorry for my horrible english! ??

    if needful – i‘m using:
    NextGEN Gallery 1.0.2
    WordPress 2.7.
    PHP 5.2.8
    Wordpresstheme SpringLoaded

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