I do realize that this thread is more than 6 months old but this particular issue was bothering me for a while, looked for a solution online and couldn’t find one. So I spent some time trying to work it out and I did. I decided to post it here since I’m probably far not the only one who is trying to figure it out. It’s as simple as it could get. go to
open thickbox.js and look for e.which and you will find the following:
if ( e.which == 27 ){ // close
if ( ! jQuery(document).triggerHandler( 'wp_CloseOnEscape', [{ event: e, what: 'thickbox', cb: tb_remove }] ) )
} else if ( e.which == 190 ){ // display previous image 190(<)
if(!(TB_NextHTML == "")){
} else if ( e.which == 188 ){ // display next image 188 (>)
if(!(TB_PrevHTML == "")){
once you find that-replace 190 with 39 and 188 with 37. save and you are done