I’m also having problems with this.
I’m following these install instructions:
Step 1.
Upload the files to wp-content/plugins/nggflashviewer
This folder doesn’t currently exist and is not the name of the folder that you extract so I take it that you need to create it???
In step 4 you mention that a folder should be created for the swf files but yet not this one above?? So I’m a little confused
Anyway I followed the instructions however when you download the 4 different viewers they come with a lot more than just the .swf files. Where do these files need to go or are they already built into the main NextGEN-FlashViewer plugin?
When I go into the FlashViwer options within wordpress and then click on the tabs Simple Viewer,Tilt viewer, autoviewer,postcard viewer they all state the same thing:
The viewer.swf,TiltViewer.swf,autoviewer.swf,pcviewer.swf is not in the …/plugins/nggflash-swf/ folder. SimpleViewer will not work.
However that folder does exists and all of the .swf files are in the root of it. Plus I’ve checked all of the spellings and they are fine.