• Hi. Thanks so much for this plugin – I have been looking for something like this for ages!!

    I have one question. I would like to allow visitors to download HR images from my gallery, but its not practical to display the HR images within the gallery. Is there any way I can upload a LR image, allow users to select images but generate a .zip using HR images?

    I’ve changed the image size in the nextGEN options but this affects the image size within the .zip.

    Thanks again for a great plug-in.


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  • Plugin Author webaware



    The only thing I can think of is that you can customise the gallery template for your theme so that the thumbnails link through to your custom-loaded LR images. You’d need to manually load the LR images via FTP or something, and replace the imageURL with your own path in PHP in the template. i.e. you’d need to be able to customise a theme via PHP code.


    Thread Starter jkaa


    Hi, Thanks for the quick reply.

    I’ve looked into this with a developer and while we think we can get it working, there seems to be a problem when downloading two or more HR images (each image is around 5mb) – I get a no resource error from the server. (I think that this is a limitation of my (free) server and not related to your plugin, which works a treat by the way!)

    Thanks again for your help

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Jon,

    Yup, there’s some things you just have to pay for, and hosting is one of them ??


    Hi Jon,
    I’d love to try out your remedy to the exact same issue I want to solve.
    Can you please help me?
    I would suggest to fix the HR size issue you try compressing the JPG images it 1MB files (photoshop 9 quality).

    I work in Photography PR and distribute images to press and media all the time at this size and they reproduce really well in print. I generally size them to 20cm x 30cm @ 300dpi.

    And Ross thanks for building this plug-in to begin with.

    Thanks DM

    Thread Starter jkaa


    Hi DM,
    I looked at implimenting the above changes with a developer, but that was as far as we got given the issue my host has with downloading multiple images within a .zip.

    I looked at reducing the quality, but I am displaying my wedding photos and wanted to keep them as HR as possible, in case anyone wanted to blow them up massive!

    I’ve decided to just display a gallery of LR images now and I’ll let guests contact me if they would like the original images.


    Plugin Author webaware


    @thedeb: are you asking about having an intermediate size between thumb and full, so that the lightbox shows a faster-downloading image but the zip file contains the full image? If so, I think that is a sufficiently common desire that I’ll have to implement it in this plugin sometime soon.

    I used to use Plogger for this sort of thing, and wrote this plugin to replace Plogger. The one thing that I miss about Plogger is the mid-way image size for viewing images, and SWMBO has been beating me up about it lately (she does the gallery building here). So I reckon it’ll be in an update “soon”, whatever that means ??


    Hi Webaware – Ross

    Yes what you mention above is exactly what Im looking for.
    If you need any help with testing let me know. Im very familiar with the media content deliver industry.

    Also I noticed with the current version (Im using firefox btw) when I go to save the zip it doesn’t promopt me or add the file extension .zip
    I have to add it myself. Otherwise it saves without the file extension.

    This would be very confusing for media journo’s they’re not really tech savy. We like to make things as easy as possible for them. Spoon feeding ??

    Plugin Author webaware


    @thedeb: thanks for the offer, will let you know when I’ve added this feature.

    Regarding the file extension .zip and FireFox, this was a bug that I fixed in v1.0.2. If you are still experiencing it, please start a new support topic and tell me stuff like what version of FireFox and a sample gallery name that exhibits this bug.


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