I am having trouble with both the Networks for WordPress and Network+ plugins
Re: Network+ see https://wpebooks.com/support/general/forum/topic/purchased-networks-having-issues-and-waiting-for-request-activation-key-in-other-forum/
and when I use Networks for WordPress when I comment out DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE in the wp-config.php file, it makes my site totally unavailable.
So neither plugin works as advertised.
What I am trying to achieve is 3 separate networks
but as one big BP community, i.e., groups, friends, and forums can span all three networks. So that is 3 differently branded networks, but all of them able to interact with each other.
I have Domain Mapping and Multi-domain installed, though I do have define( ‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false );
The server settings (on Bluehost) are such that subdomain2.domain2.org and subdomain3.domain3.org resolve to subdomain1.domain1.org, the main site. The DNS settings are all good.
I would appreciate any support and insight re: what combination of the 2 wp network plugins and 2 bp multi-network plugins that work well together.