Hello Greggo,
Well I’ve been working hard to get it finished, nonetheless there are still some things that need to be done, right now I’m working on the Widget.
I haven’t written the documentation yet, so here’s a raw list of the parameters included in the next version:
- ‘title’ // Widget title
- ‘number_posts’ // Number of posts by blog to be displayed
- ‘time_frame’ // Time frame to look for posts in days
- ‘title_only’ // Display the post title only
- ‘display_type’ // Display content as a: olist (ordered), ulist (unordered), block, inline
- ‘blog_id’ // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to display the latest posts
- ‘ignore_blog’ // ID(s) of the blog(s) you want to ignore
- ‘thumbnail’ // Display thumbnails
- ‘thumbnail_wh’ // Thumbnail Width x Height in pixels
- ‘thumbnail_class’ // Thumbnail CSS class
- ‘custom_post_type’ // Type of posts to display
- ‘category’ // Category(ies) to display
- ‘tag’ // Tag(s) to display
- ‘paginate’ // Paginate results
- ‘posts_per_page’ // Number of posts per page (paginate must be activated)
- ‘excerpt_length’ // Excerpt’s length
- ‘auto_excerpt’ // Generate excerpt from content
- ‘full_meta’ // Display date & author
- ‘sort_by_date’ // Display the latest posts first regardless of the blog they come from
- ‘sorting_order’ // Sort posts from Newest to Oldest or vice versa (newer / older)
- ‘sorting_limit’ // Limit the total number of sorted posts to display
- ‘post_status’ // Post status (publish, new, pending, draft, auto-draft, future, private, inherit, trash)
- ‘excerpt_trail’ // Excerpt’s trailing element: text, image
- ‘css_style’ // Use custom CSS (ex: custom_style.css)
As you can see, some of the parameters have disappeared and some others have been added, others have been renamed to match the logic of its functionality.
I’ve also replaced all the hackery and nasty workarounds by WordPress hooks, in the hope it performs better and finally making it easier to maintain.
I’m working on it, I expect it to be finished by the next week, *no promises*, but it won’t take more than 1.5 weeks though.