[Plugin: Network Latest Posts] diffrent size for thumbnails
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You need to add:
_____________________________________________________function network_latest_posts_shortcode($atts){ // Constructor extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'title' => null, 'number' => '10', 'days' => '0', 'titleonly' => true, 'wrapo' => null, 'wrapc' => null, 'blogid' => 'null', 'thumbnail' => false, 'cpt' => 'post', 'ignore_blog' => 'null', 'cat' => 'null', 'tag' => 'null', 'paginate' => false, 'excerpt_length' => 'null', 'display_root' => false, 'auto_excerpt' => false, 'full_meta' => false, <strong>'size' => 'thumbnail'</strong> ), $atts)); // Avoid direct output to control the display position ob_start(); // Check if we have set a title if( !empty( $title ) ) { echo "<div class='network-latest-posts-sectitle'><h1>".$title."</h1></div>"; } // Get the posts ___________________________________________________________________ network_latest_posts($number,$days,$titleonly,$wrapo,$wrapc,$blogid,$thumbnail,$cpt,$ignore_blog,$cat,$tag,$paginate,$excerpt_length,$display_root,$auto_excerpt,$full_meta, <strong>$size</strong>); ____________________________________________________________________ $blogdetails = get_blog_details( $blog_id ); <strong>$size=explode('X',$size);</strong> $thumbcode = str_replace( $current_blog->domain . $current_blog->path, $blogdetails->domain . $blogdetails->path, get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_id, $size, $attrs ) ); ____________________________________________________________
and now you can use additional attribute in short code size=’100X100‘
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