• Plugin uses file_exists to check if a directory exists, but it should use is_dir. Additionally, plugin does not cover all scenarios. Here is the fixed code:

    function create_tmp_dir() {
    $this->tmp_dir = $this->get_plugin_path() . ‘/tmp/’;
    if ( ! is_writable( dirname( $this->tmp_dir ) ) ) {
    $this->tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . ‘/’;
    if ( ! is_dir( $this->tmp_dir ) ) wp_mkdir_p( $this->tmp_dir );
    $this->tmp_dir .= self::nspace . ‘/’;
    if ( ! is_dir( $this->tmp_dir ) ) wp_mkdir_p( $this->tmp_dir );

    // this file is the interface to the combined CSS file that is written in the WP upload directories

    $tmp_dir = ‘tmp/’;
    if ( ! is_writable( dirname( $tmp_dir ) ) ) $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . ‘/’;

    $filename = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . ‘-settings.dat’;
    $settings_path = $tmp_dir . $filename;

    if ( ! file_exists( $settings_path ) ) {
    $settings_path = $tmp_dir . ‘combine-css/’ . $filename;

    if ( file_exists( $settings_path ) && strlen( $_GET[‘token’] ) == 32 ) {
    $settings = file_get_contents( $settings_path );
    $settings = unserialize( $settings );
    $css_file = $settings[‘upload_path’] . $_GET[‘token’] . ‘.css’;
    if ( file_exists( $css_file ) ) {
    if ( $settings[‘compress’] == ‘Yes’ && extension_loaded( ‘zlib’ ) ) ob_start( ‘ob_gzhandler’ );
    header( “Content-type: text/css” );
    readfile( $css_file );
    if ( $settings[‘compress’] == ‘Yes’ && extension_loaded( ‘zlib’ ) ) ob_end_flush();


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