• Problem: When using WooThemes and this plugin, CSS was messed up

    I started using the plugin but it was bugging out my CSS when using a WooThemes theme. WooThemes has a class assigned to the body tag. It looks like this on page load: <body class="home blog chrome layout-right-content parent">

    It turns out that the upon initialization, the body class ends up looking like this:
    <body class=""page page-id-2 page-template page-template-template-band-biography-php chrome layout-right-content" parent">
    Notice the extra set of quotes?

    I modified line ~291 in the javascript file (unminified) to remove the beginning and ending quote from the body_class variable (string) – using substr(). My code looks like this now:

    // update body class
    if(body_class != '') {
    	body_class = body_class.substr(1,body_class.length-2);

    Now by body tag looks like this:
    <body class="page page-id-2 page-template page-template-template-band-biography-php chrome layout-right-content parent">

    If this proves to be a sufficient fix, I hope it gets added to the source.

    NOTE 1: This may not be the perfect fix, so use it at your own discretion.

    NOTE 2: While testing I went to the php file and included the unminified js file instead of the .min.js file.


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