• Great work on the plugin. It saves a lot of hassle in backing up.

    Sorry for this silly question but I just wanted some guidance on how to restore the backed up file. What should be the directory specified in the ftp setup as the directory where the file would be sent?

    Assuming that the directory where the wordpress installation resides is “/public_html/my-site”.

    Would it be “/public_html/myeasybackup_data” or does it have to be into the directory “/public_html/my-site”.

    Do the files and database get restored automatically? Thanks for your help.


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  • Hi,

    sorry for the delay and thank you Paramjit for the nice words!

    I just updated the restore tool with version 0.0.8 and added some instructions about how to restore.

    Let’s suppose your domain is: https://example.com and the server loads its data from the folder /public_html/my-example

    In such conditions you can upload the data set to the /public_html/my-site folder.

    Here following the full instructions:

    1. Use the included upload tool, by clicking on the briefcase with the arrow poiting to the top.
    2. Once the data set upload is complete, in your browser navigate to the host where you uploaded the data set, for example:
    3. Choose the .zip file you like to decompress and click on the “Decompress the selected data set” icon – the one showing the briefcase with an arrow pointing to a folder
    4. Once the data set is decompressed, scroll the page to end where you will find a section called “MySQL exported data sets” with a list of the included databases, usually one file with the extension .sql
    5. Click on the .sql file name to select it.
    6. Fill the form – you can change the tables prefix as well as the references to the old host, if needed.
    7. Select both the “Remove the MySQL exported file .sql” and “Remove this page” checkboxes to remove the MySQL exported file and the restore tool – note: selected files will be removed only if the tables will successfully updated.
    8. Click on the “Publish the MySQL tables on this server” icon – the one representing a small server.

    If you need further help please get in touch by email at info [at] myeasywp [dot] com
    or use the contact form on the myEASY official site.

    best regards

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