Laracy17/bptexas, the options for different orderings can be found on the installation page and are specified as parameters to the shortcode:
[my_library title="Most Recent" order="added desc" limit=8]
the currently available options are:
name asc/desc
rating asc/desc
added asc/desc
sorry there’s currently no option to reset the date read, it’s just the date when you added it to the library. i believe that’s on the TODO list and if not i’ll add it.
i also have a TODO for a shortcode to point to a specific book for embedding in posts which is pretty high on the list.
bptexas, the ratings should be what you entered, at least there’s no code to pull rating information from amazon. if it’s not matching what you entered there may be a bug. you can double check by going to the edit page and seeing what th rating is there. if you continue to have problems please give me a bit more specifics/information about what you added and how you rated it etc.
unfortunately i’ve been busy with work and other stuff and haven’t had a chance to circle back and put much work in to this widget recently. hopefully that will change soon.