• I had no idea how v4.0 is supposed to work. I didn’t have the first clue where to start. I went back to using v3.5.9. What am I missing?

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  • Thank you Daniel – Can you provide a way to size the login form box? It does not fit in my theme.



    Hi Daniel – thanks for all the improvements you’ve implemented. I have just now ran into exactly the same Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_create_nonce() error, and almost went into panic as the whole site became inaccessible… The solution is, as you point out, to eliminate the whole MiniMeta plugin folder, and then visit the plugins page again, check whether others have been deactivted, then manually upload the MiniMeta plugin via FTP and then activate it, and finally, review the options and “create” a new MiniMeta widget to appear in the desired sidebar.

    While I can understand (and in fact laud) your effort to launch a pre-release 2.7 compatible plugin, I’m not too sure it’s a wise strategy, given the preeminent usage of stable release WP versions by, I trust, a vast majority of WP bloggers and users. It’s mystifying how one plugin can manage to break the nonce function, but it clearly does.

    Which should be reason for extreme caution when:

    • WP is about to release a major update, and
    • the plugin auto-update structure is, apparently, broken in the process

    I realise full well that you can’t possibly be held responsible for WP’s drastic changes (even when they’re worthwhile), but in my estimation the consequences are too dire to release a new plugin as a major stable release without working when it completely breaks the current stable release.

    Maybe it’d have been wiser to “sit” on the release of the new MiniMeta plugin until WP 2.7 officially comes out, and more users adopt it. As it is, and looking at the massive concerns for security (and the numerous malfeasants out there) certainly in a “production” environment, running bleeding edge / beta versions of WP is a very dangerous thing to do.

    Just a word of caution… Still, I very much like your new MiniMeta pluging. I think it’s a great improvement!

    Hi all,
    i have founf why its broken on WP 2.6.x the autoupdate function will use the options page instat of the plugin start file to activate the plugin agin. But i dont now how to fix it…..

    @zowieguy: i will build it in in the next time….

    Hi all,
    I have resolved the Autoupdate Probs.
    U can download the versin 4.0.0 agin and it will work!!!

    I was on the words “Plugin Name” there i used in the otions page and WP mean that is an plugin file. I have changes it to “Name” and it works….

    I have just go back to version 3.5.9.
    I succeded installing version 4.0.0 manually yesterday (deactivating most of my plugins), but now, with the new update to avoid problems with the auto-update functionallity, my site simply crashed, and I always get a message “You are not authorise to access this page”… anytime I try to access a wp-admin page (?)
    I do not know where the problem is, if the only difference from v4.0.0 to 4.0.1 is minor, why am I getting the error?
    I have tried to come back to version 4.0.0… but it seems the version is not the same as the one available yesterday…

    @maserma1: waht premission did you have on you blog.

    if have changed ther version 4.0.0 too. to test the autoupdate problem.

    the changes ar that the options page is not loger called as page now it is called as function. Some aktions are change from ‘admin_init’ to ‘load-$hook’ and the Plugin action is chaned to ‘plugins_loded’.

    The change why the blog chrsched on autoupdate is only fixed bei chand an echo form ‘Plugin Name’ to ‘Name’ in the options Page.

    Work the Version 4.0.1 for the other’s?

    I have to say that after it was all said and done, I’m keeping 3.5.9. It works and it works like I want it to. I got 4.0.1 working, but I couldn’t figure out what I needed to do to get it working and looking like I wanted it to work and look(mainly, exactly like 3.5.9). I just wish I could turn off the upgrade notice for this plug-in as I don’t plan on changing off of 3.5.9 until I’ve heard that the new versions are similar to this one.

    I’ve decided to stick with 3.5.9 too, for exactly the reasons you describe. It is one of those rare pieces of software that does everything I want it to, but nothing more – and in a simple, elegant way. It’s a shame this version will no longer be maintained for future versions of WordPress.

    I also had the same problem with 4.5+ version of Ask Apache Password Protect – he made it more complex, which also made it cause more problems (every time I try the newer versions, it wipes out all my .htaccess settings, which completely breaks permalinks and other things). So I’ve stuck with the old version (4.3.2), which was simple, elegant, and did everything I wanted it to.

    To stop the upgrade notices, I simply modified the version numbers at the top of the plug-ins’ php files. If you want future upgrade notifications, set it to the current version number. If you never want notifications, set it to a “future” version number.

    I just upgraded to MiniMeta 4.0.1, and no matter what I do I can’t change anything — I might as well be using the wp default ??

    At least the links work and nothing awful happened — and I keep older versions of everything just in case ??

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