I was replying to something that, it turns out, was posted in MARCH. Wish this thing took you to the LAST page instead of the FIRST page for idiots like me.
But to Kanago, I’m using miniblog to drive three different categories of items on my car club’s web site, the New Members, Expiring Members, and Upcoming Events:
Here is the code for each to help you figure it out:
<h2>Upcoming Events</h2>
<?php miniblog_list_entries ('<li><span style="color: #444; font-weight: bold;">', '</span> :: ', '</li>', 'list-event', 10, 0, 'title'); ?></span>
<h2>New Members</h2>
<?php miniblog_list_entries ('<li><span style="color: #369; font-weight: bold;">', '</span> :: ', '</li>', 'list-member', 10, 0, 'title'); ?></span>
<h2>Expiring Members</h2>
<?php miniblog_list_entries ('<li><em>', '</em> :: ', '</li>', 'renew-member', 10, 0, 'title'); ?></span>
You can see I varied the styling a bit in each one. And as you can see, I specified the category in each so it would know which entries I wanted displayed where.
Oh, and ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING: This played the devil with throwing paragraph tags around until I inserted MTDew’s autodisable-paragraph script into the mini-blog script.
Find this string starting around line 20:
$identifier_q = '';
if($identifier) {
if(stristr($identifier, '%') !== FALSE)
$identifier_q = 'WHERE blog LIKE '' . $identifier . ''';
$identifier_q = 'WHERE blog="' . $identifier . '"';
And right after it, add this:
/* trying to hack MTDew disable wpautop just for this miniblog */
remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
/* end hack */
Then it won’t bother your regular entries.