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  • Plugin Author mcantsin


    …could you provide some more information.
    As you can see the plugin works perfectly:

    Plugin Author mcantsin



    Thread Starter bouncebackdata1


    I got it working by changing the last line of code so the function wasn’t anonymous:

    add_action( ‘widgets_init’, create_function( ”, ‘register_widget( “MetarWidget” );’ ) );

    It worked for all themes but the Karma theme until I made that change.

    Is it possible that you could make the widget look like other widgets with a title and white text?


    Thread Starter bouncebackdata1


    I found some basic instructions that deal with widget formatting:

    But I don’t know how to incorporate it with the METAR plugin. Maybe you could easily update the plugin by using this?

    Thread Starter bouncebackdata1


    Here’s a similar NOAA widget code, in case it might help:


    Plugin Name: NOAA Weather
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Display the current NOAA weather in the sidebar. Be sure to set your NOAA Code!
    Version: 1.1.0
    Author: Tim Berneman
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2

    Copyright 2010-2011 Tim Berneman (email: [email protected])

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
    published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

    Thanks to Justin Tadlock and his article “The complete guide to creating widgets in WordPress 2.8”
    and to the WordPress codex which helped me to write this, my first widget. Justins’ article can
    be found here:

    Load our widget and css file and register our hooks.
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__ , ‘activate_NOAA_Weather_widget’ );
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__ , ‘deactivate_NOAA_Weather_widget’ );
    add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , ‘init_NOAA_Weather_widget’ );
    add_action( ‘widgets_init’ , ‘load_NOAA_Weather_widget’ );
    add_action( ‘Get_NOAA_Weather’ , ‘Get_NOAA_Weather_File’ );

    function activate_NOAA_Weather_widget() {
    // Schedule cron entry to download the weather file
    wp_schedule_event( time() , ‘twicehourly’ , ‘Get_NOAA_Weather’ );
    // Get files for any codes currently used

    function deactivate_NOAA_Weather_widget() {
    // Remove cron entry that downloads the weather file
    wp_clear_scheduled_hook( ‘Get_NOAA_Weather’ );

    function init_NOAA_Weather_widget() {
    // Register our stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘NOAA_Weather_Widget_Stylesheet’ , WP_PLUGIN_URL . ‘/noaa-weather/noaa-weather.css’ );

    function load_NOAA_Weather_widget() {
    register_widget( ‘NOAA_Weather_Widget’ );

    * Get weather file from NOAA for each weather code
    function Get_NOAA_Weather_File() {
    //Look in options for all codes to retrieve weather for, disregarding duplicates
    $options = get_option( “widget_noaa_weather” );
    $codes = array(); // holder for codes to check for duplicates
    foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
    if ( is_array($value) ) {
    $code = $options[$key][“noaa_code”];
    if ( $code <> null ) {
    if ( !in_array($code,$codes) ) {
    $codes[] = $code;
    Get_NOAA_Weather_File_With_HTTP( $code );

    * Use WP HTTP to get weather file according to the code
    function Get_NOAA_Weather_File_With_HTTP( $code ) {
    // Get current conditions
    $result = wp_remote_get ( “{$code}.xml” );
    $fp = fopen(dirname( __FILE__) . “/weather-current-{$code}.xml”, “w” );
    fwrite($fp, $result[“body”]);

    * Set up the cron to get the weather every so often
    function NOAA_Weather_Define_Cron_Schedule( $schedules ) {
    // add a ‘twicehourly’ schedule to the existing set
    $schedules[‘twicehourly’] = array(
    ‘interval’ => 1800,
    ‘display’ => __(‘Twice Hourly’)
    return $schedules;
    add_filter( ‘cron_schedules’, ‘NOAA_Weather_Define_Cron_Schedule’ );

    * Create our widget.
    class=’noaa_humidity’><span>Humidity: </span>”.$xml->relative_humidity.”%</p>”);
    if ( isset($xml->windchill_f) ) {
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_windchill’><span>Windchill: </span>”.$xml->windchill_f.”°F</p>”);
    }elseif ( isset($xml->heat_index_f) ) {
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_heatindex’><span>Heat Index: </span>”.$xml->heat_index_f.”°F</p>”);
    }elseif ( isset($xml->dewpoint_f) ) {
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_dewpoint’><span>Dewpoint: </span>”.$xml->dewpoint_f.”°F</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_forecast’>latitude.”&lon=”.$xml->longitude.”‘ title=’Click for your 5-day forecast.’ target=’_blank’>Your 5-Day Forecast at a Glance</p>”);
    echo ‘<p>No NOAA Code Found.</p>’;

    /* After widget (defined by themes). */
    echo $after_widget;
    }class NOAA_Weather_Widget extends WP_Widget {

    * Widget setup.
    function NOAA_Weather_Widget() {
    $widget_ops = array( ‘classname’ => ‘noaa_weather’, ‘description’ => __(‘Display the current NOAA weather in the sidebar.’ ));
    $control_ops = array( ‘width’ => 400, ‘height’ => 350, ‘id_base’ => ‘noaa_weather’ );
    $this->WP_Widget( ‘noaa_weather’ , __(‘NOAA Weather’) , $widget_ops , $control_ops );

    * How to display the widget on the screen.
    function widget( $args, $instance ) {
    extract( $args );

    /* User-selected settings. */
    $noaa_title = apply_filters( ‘widget_title’ , $instance[‘noaa_title’] );
    $noaa_code = $instance[‘noaa_code’];

    /* Before widget (defined by themes). */
    echo $before_widget;

    /* Title of widget (before and after defined by themes). */
    if ( $noaa_title )
    echo $before_title . $noaa_title . $after_title;

    /* Display name from widget settings. */
    if ( $noaa_code ) {
    $xml = @simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__) . “/weather-current-“.$noaa_code.”.xml”);
    if ( $xml === false )
    echo(“Weather Unavailable or invalid NOAA code.”);
    else {
    $wind_full = array( “Northeast” , “Northwest” , “Southeast” , “Southwest” );
    $wind_abbr = array( “NE” , “NW” , “SE” , “SW” );
    echo(“<div id=’noaa-weather’>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_loc’>”.$xml->location.”</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_update’>”.$xml->observation_time.”</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_link’>Weather by credit_URL.”‘ title='”.htmlentities($xml->credit,ENT_QUOTES).”‘ target=’_blank’>NOAA“.”</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_current’>Current Conditions: “.$xml->weather.”</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_icon’>latitude.”&lon=”.$xml->longitude.”‘ title=’Click for your 5-day forecast.’ target=’_blank’><img src='”.$xml->icon_url_base.$xml->icon_url_name.”‘ alt=’NOAA Icon’/>“.”</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_temp’><span>Temp: </span>”.round($xml->temp_f).”°F</p>”);
    echo(“<p class=’noaa_wind’><span>Wind: </span>”.str_ireplace($wind_full,$wind_abbr,$xml->wind_dir).” at “.round($xml->wind_mph).”mph</p>”);

    function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {
    $instance = $old_instance;

    /* Trim and strip tags for user provided data */
    $newtitle = trim(strip_tags($new_instance[‘noaa_title’]));
    $newcode = strtoupper(trim(strip_tags($new_instance[‘noaa_code’])));

    /* Update the widget settings. */
    $instance[‘noaa_title’] = $newtitle;
    $instance[‘noaa_code’] = $newcode;

    /* Update the options table */
    //update_option(“widget_noaa_weather”, $newvalue);

    /* Call the function to get the weather file immediately for this code if not blank*/
    if ( strlen($newcode) > 0 )
    Get_NOAA_Weather_File_With_HTTP( $newcode );

    return $instance;

    function form( $instance ) {

    /* Set up some default widget settings. */
    $defaults = array( ‘noaa_title’ => ‘NOAA Weather’, ‘noaa_code’ => ” );
    $instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, $defaults ); ?>

    <label for=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id( ‘noaa_title’ ); ?>”>Title:</label>
    <input id=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id( ‘noaa_title’ ); ?>” name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name( ‘noaa_title’ ); ?>” value=”<?php echo $instance[‘noaa_title’]; ?>” style=”width:100%;” />

    <label for=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id( ‘noaa_code’ ); ?>”>NOAA Code:</label>
    <input id=”<?php echo $this->get_field_id( ‘noaa_code’ ); ?>” name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name( ‘noaa_code’ ); ?>” value=”<?php echo $instance[‘noaa_code’]; ?>” style=”width:100%;” />
    <p class=’description’>
    Find your code here by selecting your state from the dropdown list and then click the ‘Find’ button. On the next screen find your ‘Observation Location’ and the code you need is in parenthesis after your location name.


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