@davelassanske thanks for the hack to the front end, gave a HUGH head start into making this thing work.
@priamlodyssey and anyone else wanting the back end hack follow along
I recommend activating the plugin
as this will allow you to edit the custom fields we have entered with out having to do the following code hack. But if you want nice fancy organised rows with custom info then carry on…
How to show those custom fields in the back end in a nice way
edit the page
*The following will vary depending on your personal situation*
Find line 867 switch ($column_name)
You will need to enter a “case” into the “switch” statement depending on your custom fields.
My “case” looked like this
case 'firstname' :
$metas = MP_Usermeta::get($mp_user->id);
if ($metas) {
if (!is_array($metas)) $metas = array($metas);
foreach ($metas as $meta) {
if ($meta->meta_key[0] == '_') continue;
if ($meta->meta_key == 'FirstName')
$firstname = $meta->meta_value;
<td <?php echo $attributes ?>>
<abbr title="<?php echo $firstname; ?>"><?php echo $firstname; ?></abbr>
You can see the names and values of your meta data by editing the a Mailpress user.
I know there is not a heap of detail but it should be enough for those who have done the first hack. The trick here was pulling the meta data out.