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  • Hey there, James!

    Excellent question. ??

    Your best bet is going to be to edit the PO file that comes with the plugin. From there, you’ll be able to rewrite the error or success messages and re-upload the file. Check out this general information on translating the plugin:

    Give us a shout if we can assist in any other way!


    Thread Starter jamessui


    Thanks for the reply. I’ve tried editing the mailchimp_i18n-en_US.po file but it doesn’t seem to have any effect (I’m using default WordPress language setup). Is that the right file?

    Hey again!

    Sorry, I missed a critical step there, you’ll also want to update the .mo file, as well. The easiest way to do that is to use POEdit (linked in the “other notes” area). Once you upload the PO and MO files, you should be good to go!

    Here’s how things looked on my end:

    Screenshot —

    Thread Starter jamessui


    Excellent! Thanks very much for your help.

    Happy to help, James!

    Let us know if we can help with anything else. ??

    I have found that mailchimp_i18n-en_US.po file is not as updated as the mailchimp.pot file in the plugin’s latest version. The last four strings are missing in all the .po files which are at the .pot file.

    Also, could you please check if I have missed anything in the PO. I know I’d have to set the language. But what about base path and other settings?

    I would like to share the .po file link here for your review which I would change for some settings I guessed that I need to change. But what are the standards?

    This is my contributed ar_SA.po file.

    And I just finished compliling for Bangla, Bangladesh. The file for bn_BD.po

    Hey Lenin,

    I provided a detailed step-by-step on how to get those .po files working in the other thread you replied to, so definitely check that out when you have a moment!

    In regards to the standards of the PO file, I’d recommend referencing the translation files that we include with the plugin’s default installation. These can be referenced in your WordPress folder structure under plugins > mailchimp > po.

    Try selecting a file there like “mailchimp_i18n-en_US.po” and opening it up in your text editor or POEdit. I prefer POEdit as it provides an easy column-based interface to edit your translations, so it helps me to ensure that everything is lined up correctly and being recognized in the proper format.

    If you have anymore questions, let me know!

    I have actually translated them using poEDit ofcourse and placed the generated .po and .mo to the plugins/mailchimp/po as well.

    On the provided link for the po files you’d see that I have saved configurations from poEdit too.

    I posted on SO while not getting your responses.

    hi mc_tak and mc_nate!

    I might have a little different question regarding those messages: everytime email is not present and submit is clicked it’s an error message being inserted above the input. Since all those errors are displayed per alert, I’d like to have it here also. But till now I didn’t find a way to interrupt MailChimp’s validation by mine. I tried to add my js function both onsubmit for the form and onclick for submit button – no effect. I know it’s rather a minor wish, but since “code is poetry” I’d like to keep my whole website running clean and consequent.

    Thank you in advance for your help – it’s very appreciated
    Best wishes from Vienna


    Hey there,

    Hmm, I’m having a bit of trouble understanding. Can you give me a link to the sign up form that you’re working on? Also, can you elaborate a bit what you’re specifically looking to change in regards to the error messages?



    Hi mc_tak,

    here you go:
    When you forget to fill in the E-Mail, the build-in MC error will be displayed.
    No go to and try to cheat there.

    Thank you


    Hey there,

    I’m seeing the error message “Bitte E-Mail-Adresse auszufüllen” appear at that first link. Were you looking to change this error message?

    On the second link I’m seeing the error message “FEHLER: Bitte fülle die erforderlichen Felder aus (Name, E-Mail-Adresse).” Were you looking to change this error message? If so, this error message is not generated by our plugin, since the form on this second site (kontakt) is not using the WordPress MailChimp plugin.

    Hi mc_tak!

    Thank you for your answer!
    No no, I’ve already found a way to change the message. My question is actually not about the message itself but rather about a method to display this message. I simply would like to get a js alert when E-Mail-Adresse -field is empty, rather then a reloaded page with an error message.

    Sorry for not being clear enough…

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