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  • I have a same problem with the newest plugin:
    “There was a problem loading your MailChimp details. Please re-run the setup process under Settings->MailChimp Setup “.
    This is what I get on my page after upgrading and running setup.
    So, I ‘ve deleted this plugin and upgraded again and I get the error again.

    I’ll also add my name to the list. I get the same error message since upgrading to the latest version of the plugin.

    My website is (though I’ve turned the plugin off now)

    And I’m running the Thematic Power Blog theme if that’s relevant.

    Any suggestions much appreciated.


    After reinstalling I clicked on “Update list” and everything is OK!

    Same message: “There was a problem loading your MailChimp details. Please re-run the setup process under Settings->MailChimp Setup “.

    I’ve also deleted the plugin, reinstalled, and updated the list and the subscribe form still doesn’t appear.

    Also, when I drag the MailChimp Subscribe Form widget into the sidebar it says, “There are no options available for this widget.”

    My site is:

    Help, please?

    Ah, thanks Varesz. That was rather straightforward!

    ‘Update List’ solved my problems too MarshaS. Have you tried that?

    Thread Starter Bart van Maanen


    I still get this message, saying (Dutch version) Download failed. Not found!

    Downloaden update van… Download mislukt. Not Found

    @MarhaS: you cannot edit the widget, but you can edit the plugin under Settings. I use the widget on three sites in different appereances.

    Where are the MailChimp boys or girls for a comment on this issue?


    I realized after I posted that “Update List” at the top of the settings page and “Update Subscribe Form Settings” at the bottom of the page perform two different functions. Yes, Update List solved my problem!

    Now I have some issues with the text color (it’s not the color I specify in the Settings) but I suspect there’s a setting back on MailChimp that was imported that I’ve forgotten to change.

    Thanks for your help. Have a great day everyone!

    “Update List” will fix this for some, but possibly not all. Be sure to read the upgrade instructions that were posted.

    Hello all, just from reading through the above posts it looks like some of you with issues haven’t actually re-setup your sidebar and widget settings. The upgrade instructions are to:

    1. Drag the MailChimp Widget back into the sidebar. This is done on the WordPress backend at Appearance>>Widgets.

    2. Visit the MailChimp settings page (Settings>>MailChimp Setup, which will have maintained your prior settings), click the “Update List” button, and you’re done!

    Has anyone here completed these steps and still having issues? If so, what version of WordPress are you running?



    I’m still having issues with this. I’m running 3.0.1. Any ideas?

    I’ve deleted the plugin, even from the control panel, then reinstalled it going through the steps mentioned above but still getting the same messages as @marshas was getting.

    Any ideas?



    Did you follow the steps that dponder listed and I linked in the upgrade notes? I have not seen a case where that did not fix things except where someone decided that a step didn’t apply and didn’t follow it.



    Ah, what? (Comment to self.)
    I still get the same messages at the back end but when I “visit” my site i.e. don’t log in, the form is there.

    @mc_jesse thanks for the feedback. I did follow the steps without omitting any which is what was so frustrating for me. It’s fixed now.

    Thanks guys.

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