manually shortcode to put only one live stream in a page/a post
example on 3.4.1:
code in use:
[livestream type="own3d" channel="34046"]
[liveTVChat type="quakenet" width="650" height="300" channel="nameofyourchoice"]
tutorial: how to manual shortcode
Rule: Don’t put this kind of code with the other shortcode for the loop of thumbnails [LivesOnline].
For a page with the loop of thumbnails list (as different of a single shortcode usage, it’s a 2nd usage separated of single shortcode usage)
it’s only: [LivesOnline] without parameters and for this list you may add your live streams only from your default wp profil.
After I don’t know what happens from the plugin with buddypress activated but I think ensure that make the plugin compatible for BuddyPress is a task too heavy for me until I do not know more of the code of BuddyPress. It’s preferable to ask a Buddypress expert.
For CSS of the page live stream with loop of thumbnails
The 2 css loading on that page it’s only page-livestream.css and page-livestream-hook.css. page-livestream-hook.css is only loaded when a user request a “large view”. This css is a css cheating to make your theme more large but with some theme, css changes is necessary:
If your theme is very exotic, it’s necessary to changes seriously this css cheating.
For the Break of your slides
I think the plugin use one of the same JQuery extension library of your theme. Some adaptative works is necessary to stop the load of one.