Ok allshookup, let me explain to you how this works: This is open source software I do for fun, not profit. It’s like a hobby pet project for me, ok? I don’t get paid for each hour I spend coding on my plugin, I just do it because I like coding and it looks like a lot of people like it and use it, so I feel good by improving the plugin. Support requests in the forum don’t pay my bills, and I haven’t “avoided the issue”, I just focus on bigger issues or new features which are more requested.
So, this specific issue I haven’t been able to reproduce. I use the plugin on all of my blogs and I’ve tried several different setups, and I always get the plugin to show the number of posts I ask it to. So it must be specific to some WordPress installations. Maybe a conflict with another plugin, I don’t know.
ramshengale I don’t use “” for this parameter and it works, maybe that’s the issue. I’m using this exact code:
[catlist id=259 numberposts=6 orderby=title order=asc]
And it works as expected.
What WordPress version are you using? Maybe try setting debug=true on your wp-config and see if there’s any important errors displayed.