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  • Hi, first of all thanks for this simple and clear plugin. I would appreciate a show_description attribute. That would be very nice to have.

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep this in mind when I do the next releases but I cannot guarantee that is included already in the next version.

    Is it possible to have a shortcode parameter that allows one to choose the order in which the links are listed? Currently it lists the most recent at the bottom. I’d like to see the most recent at the top.

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    The links are listed in alphabetical order.
    I want to keep the plugin as simple as possible and want to avoid attributes which are not required. To change the link order is not very important in my opinion. But if you have a good example for the use of a different order perhaps I change my mind. ??

    The order is important to me. I have installed this on my site ( and I want the most important group at the top, not the one that happens to be A…. Ordering by slug would be one solution, because I could change the slug to suit me, e.g. by numbering the categories?

    … I have just changed sc_linkview.php from
    $catarray = get_terms( 'link_category', 'orderby=name' );
    $catarray = get_terms( 'link_category', 'orderby=slug' );

    … and that seems to work for me. I would of course prefer not to have an personal custom version of the plugin, and I wonder if that might be relatively straightforward to solve?

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    An already working possibility to manually sort the categories would be to add the attribute ‘cat_name’ in the shortcode. There you can list all the categories you want to insert in your manually order separated by comma. The categories will then be displayed in the order given in the cat_name attribute.
    On disadvantage of this solution is that you have to manually add a new added category also in the shortcode in the site.
    Please tell me if this solution is sufficient for you.

    Hi, I think that it’s really useful to know that – it means that I can get any result I want, even if it’s not automatic.

    I would like to be able to format the link list without all the line breaks between items (our site needs to spell out the URLs for the members):
    Name URL
    Name URL

    Instead of


    Is there a simple way to do that?

    I have a temporary fix…

    In the sc_linkview.php file, I modified the private function html_link_item:

    On the 4th line, I modified $out = '<div class="lv-item-'.$item.$a['class_suffix'].'">';

    to read

    $out = '<div class="lv-item-'.$item.$a['class_suffix'].'" style="display:inline-block;">';

    This makes all the items included in a listing to display inline but still obey the style block model. Of course, they ended up butted against each other.

    I then scrolled down to the line that closed the div tag:
    $out .= '</div>';
    And added some non-breaking spaces
    $out .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>';

    And that did the trick. You can see the page under development at

    Oops, the link didn’t post properly.

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    You can set css styles for the links on the linkview admin page. This is very powerful and you can modify the output to your requirements without changing the php code.
    Try it, if you need help please tell me.

    I would like to set each link to display as an iframe. I am using the Embedder Plugin which does the job nicely by building a shortcode. However, the default WP linkview strips out the shortcode leaving just the url.

    The Embedder shortcode looks like:

    [link = "" width=xxx height=xxx] which the Embedder plugin converts to an iframe against the following:

    <iframe src="{$_default}" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="Links" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="%height%" width="%width%"></iframe>

    Do you see a way to make this work with your version of Link View?



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