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  • I hate to revive a dead thread, but I’m also having this problem. I’m using WP 3.3.1 and whenever I click “next” or “prev” all I get is the spinning icon and the new image does not load.

    I would love this plugin to work as it does exactly what I want (shows the image DESCRIPTION in the lightbox AND uses the native gallery functionality of WordPress) but it’s pretty useless if people can’t get from one image to the next.

    Well…I think I’ve gotten the problem more or less narrowed down to the _start function in jquery.lightbox.js, specifically the if-else statement between lines 89 and 96.

    From what I can tell, it’s loading the initial array incorrectly, so that the transition between the first and second image in the gallery is breaking. Specifically in my case, it’s trying to load the URL associated with the first image as the 2nd item in the image gallery. All other images appear to load up fine (for example, I can click on the 2nd image and proceed through the rest of the gallery just fine).

    For whatever reason, it’s hitting the “else” part of this code for the first image and the “if” part for everything else. I just haven’t figured out why yet…

    Aha…I figured out the problem. I had a link in the description of the first item, and that was messing it up.

    It’s hitting the “else” in the if-else statement because it’s the first image (and thus i < 1 in the encompassing for-loop). However, when it’s adding items to the array, it’s grabbing the URL of the image to grab like this:


    Now, I don’t know where the two parent()’s are coming up form but I assume they are getting you to appropriate “gallery-item” dl. The first child gets you down to dt/dd under that (since it’s grabbing all children), and then the next child goes to the a tag (with the image link) under the dt, and the caption and description spans under the dd. It then grabs anything with an “href” attribute from those three items.

    However, since I had a link in the description, it not only grabbed the href from the image a tag in the dt, but it grabed the href from the link I added to the description, and viola, it added two items at once, one of which was not a link to the image, which blew the code up.

    This isn’t a fatal problem – I guess I can just put the text of the link in the description without having the actual link there (unless I can figure out a fix to temporarily go there) but I think it might be better to attempt to reference that dt a tag specifically. I certainly don’t think it would be too difficult to grab the “href” items from the dt instead of from the dl. I do think being able to put in a link into the description would be a useful thing to have.

    I don’t know if this is the problem the original person was having, but this is the problem I was having.

    OOOOOOK, I did a little fix. In the lightbox-gallery.js file, I changed

    jQuery(‘.gallery a’).tooltip({track:true, delay:0, showURL: false});
    jQuery(‘.gallery1 a’).lightBox({captionPosition:’gallery’});


    jQuery(‘.gallery dt a’).tooltip({track:true, delay:0, showURL: false});
    jQuery(‘.gallery1 dt a’).lightBox({captionPosition:’gallery’});

    That’s telling it to ONLY grab the a tags under the dt tag (where the image is anyway). This fixed it so that I could put a link in the description and have it work.

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