[plugin LeagueManager] Why table widget isn't showing?
I’m using LeagueManager 3.7 and WordPress varsion 2.9.1 and I have problem with LeagueManager widget. I would like to show a league table as a widget. I tested 2 themes + my theme and it shows only title of a widget and word ‘Table’. I checked the code and there were empty ‘div’ tags:
<div id='next_matches_3'></div> <div id='prev_matches_3'></div>
here’s part of file “leaguemanager/lib/widget.php”:
if ( $show_next_matches ) { echo "<div id='next_matches_".$number."'>"; do_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_next_match', $number, $instance ); echo "</div>"; } if ( $show_prev_matches ) { echo "<div id='prev_matches_".$number."'>"; do_action( 'leaguemanager_widget_prev_match', $number, $instance ); echo "</div>"; } } if ( $instance['table'] != 'none' && !empty($instance['table']) ) { $show_logos = ( $instance['show_logos'] ) ? true : false; echo "<h4 class='standings'>". __( 'Table', 'leaguemanager' ). "</h4>"; echo $lmShortcodes->showStandings( array('template' => $instance['table'], 'league_id' => $instance['league'], 'season' => $instance['season'], 'logo' => $show_logos, 'home' => $instance['home']), true ); }
It looks as if functions do_action(…) and showStandings(…) wasn’t working.
Anyone know how to make LeagueManager widget work?
Maybe update of WordPress would help…
Thanks in advance
p.s. excause my poor English;-)
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