• I’ve startet using KB linker with great expectations until it turned out that it also inserted links inside the image (img) attributes – like title or alt texts. Because of that, after activating KB linker and writing a long list of links for it to generate, code appears down below images when I view the page in a browser.
    I hope for an upgrade, but since the author’s site seems sleeping, I’ll have to look for an alternative (blog mechanics keyword link plugin does the job, but configuring it is slow, and so is Cross-linker). Too bad ??
    More about my experiences here.


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  • I’ve startet using KB linker with great expectations until it turned out that it also inserted links inside the image (img) attributes – like title or alt texts.

    I was going to try out this plugin, because I found that the blog mechanics keyword link plugin does the same thing. I had a title attribute on a link I did manually that included a keyword I had set to auto-link, and it got totally borked.



    i solved the issue changing this line in kb_linker.php

    $content = preg_replace( '|(<[^>]*)('.$keyword.')(.*>)|Ui', '$1&&&$2$3', $content);

    whit these

    $callback = create_function('$matches', 'return str_replace($matches[2], \'&&&\'.$matches[2], $matches[0]);');
    $content = preg_replace_callback('|(<[^>]*)('.$keyword.')(.*>)|Ui', $callback, $content);
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