Well, this is interesting.
On a new WP instance – starting with JWP Plugin 1.4.3 and doing a manual upgrade (NOT using the auto-updater) the JWPlayer Plugin Settings page comes up with “Enable” selected for Category, Search, Tag and Home pages. The player is not displayed and the shortcode appears as text output:
Home Page (Post)
Posted on October 19, 2011 by leapfroggie
[jwplayer config=”flv_player” file=”https://content.longtailvideo.com/videos/bunny.flv” image=”https://content.longtailvideo.com/videos/bunny.jpg”%5D
If I select Disable and then re-select Enable for the Home page (post) then the shortcode works correctly and the player is displayed, even if I am not logged in.
However, on the “production” instance I did an automatic update and in this case the Settings page has NONE of the options selected for the Category, Search, Tag and Home pages. Selecting Disable/Enable or any other option causes the page to refresh but the selected option does not stay set, the page refreshes and all the options are unselected. Turning on debug doesn’t produce any error messages.
Then I uninstalled the plugin in the production instance (using the Uninstall option on the Settings page), deactivated the plugin in Network Admin, reinstalled 1.5.0 manually via FTP, re-activated it, and checked the Plugin Settings page, resulting in:
“The plugin generated 56968 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
Refreshing the Home page results in the same inline output of the shortcode. However, the Plugin Settings page now shows Content set as the default selection for Category, Search, Tag and Home pages. Selecting Disable, then Enable for the Home page doesn’t resolve the problem; the shortcode still displays inline. However, if I log in as super-admin and do a “View Post” the player displays correctly.
I’ll await further instructions.