• I noticed in this function, the comment

    * ugly way to make the images Colorbox-ready by adding the necessary CSS class.
         * unfortunately, WordPress does not offer a convenient way to get certain elements from the_content,
         * so I had to do this by regexp replacement...

    While this works fine, the best way to do this would be using an XML parser such as PHP’s DomDocument. Regex is a little less reliable and perhaps less performant (though I haven’t tested it in this case).

    I rewrote as this

    function addColorboxGroupIdToImages($content)
            {//WARNING: this version has causes UTF8 problems
            global $post;
            $doc=new DomDocument();
            @$doc->loadHTML($content);//remove the @ if showing HTML parsing errors to users is desired
            if ($imgs->length) {
                for ($i=0;$i<$image_count;$i++)
                    // only work on imgTags that do not already contain the String "colorbox-"
                    if($class=='' || strpos('colorbox-',$class)===false)
                        $image->setAttribute('class',$class.' colorbox-'. $post->ID);
            return $doc->saveHTML();
        return $content;

    but there’s one problem – DomDocument->saveHTML() appears to garble text encoding in some cases. I think this could be resolved by setting the encoding for the document, but I haven’t had a chance to do that. For now just went back to the regex version.

    Another option would be to use a library like phpQuery, though including an external library probably isn’t desirable.


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