• I would like to have a directory and page for all users that have signed up and applied for my 2 job categories. I can’t seem to figure out how to pull all their application fields just like I can for standard WP user details. Step 2 would be figuring out how to separate the 2 directory listings based on the job they’ve applied for.

    I’m using the author.php template.


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  • Do you have the post object that the application is stored in? The data is stored in the metadata:

    $metadata = get_post_custom( $post->ID );

    The Job Manager related metadata items will have the name ‘datan‘, n being a number. You can use this as follows;

    $options = get_option( 'jobman_options' );
    foreach( $options['fields'] as $id => $field ) {
      if( ! array_key_exists( "data$id", $metadata ) )
      echo $field['label'] . ': ';
      if( is_array( $metadata["data$id"] ) )
        echo $metadata["data$id"][0];
        echo $metadata["data$id"];
      echo '<br />';
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