• In the email that displays the job application someone filled out, none of the fields are on their own line. They are all in a continuous string.

    How can I get into the php code and have each item on their own line? I would assume a simple
    after some code would do the trick. Just need to know on what line and after what string I should be doing this.


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  • snafusofauq


    I’m having the same issue!

    The spacing in the admin email notification is all ‘FOOBAR’
    The answers drop below the questions which is great but there is no space between each category. This makes it hard to read.
    I’ve been looking through the coding to find where I can add a ‘break’ to fix this issue but have had no luck so far.

    Any suggestions are welcome!!!

    Application Link: https://www.examlpe.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=jobman-list-applications&appid=504

    Job: 324 – Qualified In-Home Caregivers

    Timestamp: 2012-02-28 09:44:08

    Do you have a minimum of 2 years of CURRENT In Home experience, or a current CNA certificate? Please indicate which applies to you?:
    First Name: TESTING 2
    Last Name: Web Concierge
    Email Address: [email protected]
    1234 Test Dr
    City: Daytona
    Zip Code: 32114
    Telephone: 555-555-5555
    Cell Phone: 555-555-5555
    Vehicle Information – Make – Model – Year:
    2001, Chevorlet Monte Carlo
    Do you have a current Drivers License & Insurance?: Yes
    Date Available?: Now
    Ideal Number of Hours Per Week? Available Nights?: 80
    Please list the days of the week you are available & the hours available for those days?:
    Last or Current Employer :
    Self Employed
    Address, City, State:
    1234 Test Dr
    Daytona, 32114
    Dates of Employment, Please Include Month & Year?: 1980 – Current
    Salary or Hourly Rate of Pay?: ~~~~~~
    Name of Supervisor & Phone Number? May we contact?:
    Please Describe Your Duties?:
    Eat, sleep and be merry
    Reason For Leaving?:
    Previous Employer:
    Self Employed
    Address, City, State:
    1234 Test Dr
    Daytona, 32114
    Date of Employment, Please Include Month & Year?: 1980 – Current
    Salary or Hourly Rate of Pay?: ~~~~~~
    Name of Supervisor & Phone Number? May We Contact?:
    Please Describe Your Duties:
    Eat, sleep and be merry
    Reason For Leaving?:
    Previous Employer?:
    Self Employed
    Address, City, State:
    1234 Test Dr
    Daytona, 32114
    Date of Employment, Please Include Month & Year?: 1980 – Current
    Salary or Hourly Rate of Pay?: ~~~~~~
    Name of Supervisor & Phone Number? May We Contact?:
    Please Describe Your Duties?:
    Eat, sleep and be merry
    Reason For Leaving?:
    Please describe your experience with Elderly, Disabled or Special Needs Persons:
    Please describe your experience with Elderly, Disabled or Special Needs Persons
    Have you had a TB test in the last 3 Years? Results?: Yes
    Have you ever been convicted of a Crime? If yes please explain.:
    Do you have a clean driving record? If NO please explain?:
    Do you understand that we require a CURRENT DMV print out & LiveScan Background check?: Please check if you understand & agree.
    Any Additional Info You Would Like To Add?:
    Any Additional Info You Would Like To Add?

    Was this issue ever resolved?

    In job-manager/frontend-application.php around line 921 you will find the email that is sent.

    Around line 952

    $msg .= $field['label'] . ': ' . $appdata['data'.$id] . PHP_EOL;

    Add “\n” where you want to add your line break. Your code then becomes

    $msg .= $field['label'] . ': ' . $appdata['data'.$id] . "\n" . PHP_EOL;

    You can add the “\n” to the text area and file .msg lines as well. This will space the email rather nicely.

    To further customize mine, I use vars to hold my html formatting and add it into the above lines.

    $boldspan ='<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px;">';
    $endboldspan ='</span>';

    and then

    $msg .= $boldspan . $field['label'] . ': ' . $endboldspan . $appdata['data'.$id] . "\n" . PHP_EOL;

    Hope this helps ??

    Thread Starter excelc


    First – Why isn’t it set this way by default out “of the box”?

    Second – I made the changes and it is still not working for me. Everything comes out in a long string with no paragraph breaks.

    The code I have is the following:

    $msg .= $field['label'] . ': ' . $appdata['data'.$id] . "\n" . PHP_EOL;
    case 'textarea':
      $msg .= $field['label'] . ':' . PHP_EOL . $appdata['data'.$id] . "\n" . PHP_EOL;
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