• jakobwa


    Goal: Give the person who is looking for a job the possibility to view/download a pdf.

    1. I have added a field called PDF and with data type File Upload in the Job Form Settings.
    2. Add a job and upload a file. (It looks like it doesn’t upload the file.)
    3. I wonder where the file should end up in the folder structure? I have changed some rights (775).

    In Display Settings I see the field as [job_field6_label], [job_field6] – PDF.

    When I load the job list template on the site I get the filed but not the file.

    It seems to be some issue with the actual upload. Should I create a folder that couldn’t be created when I installed it?

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  • @dax316 I’ll fix these ones up for 0.6.3 – though I’ll release it tomorrow. (I don’t like to make releases when I don’t have several hours to hang around and make sure there aren’t any critical bugs caused by the new release.)



    Thanks again for the quick update! Fixed both of my issues!

    There is one final issue i’m having (hopefully!). When i have data in both the Job Information field and an Attachment, there is an extra line break added to the display on the front end. i.e.

    Job Information: This job is open to all applicants.

    Attachment: Download

    If there is no data in the job information field there is not an added line break added. i.e.

    Location: US Department of Justice
    Attachment: Download

    Is this something that I can change myself by editing one of the php files? Thanks again for the quick update!

    All textarea fields are run through the wpautop() function, which automatically adds <p> and <br /> tags.

    The easiest way to fix this in a manner that will survive upgrades is to do the following:

    • In your Job Template, add a class to the <tr> that shows the Job Information. For example, <tr class="job-information">.
    • Add the following code to your theme CSS (not Job Manager css files, which are overwritten on upgrade):
      tr.job-information br {
          display: none;

    This is assuming you’re using a table to display the job, of course. I assume you’re able to make the changes for custom HTML. ??

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